Downloading a file from S3 using API Gateway & AWS Lambda
In my last post I showed how we can create and store a csv file in an S3 bucket. Let us now see how we can get the status of a request & get a downloadable link to the csv for completed requests.
The Get Status lambda
Under the src directory, create a new file called “” with the below code -
Add the new file to Dockerfile -
Update the template.yaml file and add a new resource -
Testing locally
We can test the endpoint locally, but before that we need to update the env.json and include the S3 bucket name -
Build and start the api locally -
sam build
sam local start-api --env-vars ./tests/env.json
You should see an output like -
Trigger a new request & grab the request id from the DB (since the post will fail without an SQS queue defined). Then test the get status call -
Deploying the code
Just like before, we need to specify an image repository for the new lambda function. Update the samconfig.toml file and add another item to the image_repositories list for GetStatusFunction -
image_repositories = ["",
Deploy the code to aws -
sam build
sam deploy
The output should look like this -
Grab the get-status endpoint url and try making a request through postman for one of the completed orders from before -
Cmd+Click on the download_link to download the csv file from S3.
And thats it! The SAM CLI has enabled us to leverage infrastructure-as-code to deploy our entire architecture to any aws account within minutes!
Source Code
Here is the source code for the project created here.
Next: Part 7: AWS Lambda & ECR nuances
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