Today's stream shows you how to get started with using Azure Kubernetes Service. I install a microservices application and explain to you the different features within AKS and how to deploy, scale and monitor your application.
During my initial installation of the application, one of my microservices did not come up. You'll work with me on using kubectl
to troubleshoot a failing service.
Today's stream came with a ton of fun music by bands like Mr. Bungle and Sepultura. I create a little CHAOS AD and have you join me for the journey.
Thanks much to the Queen of Chaos, Ana Margarita Medina from Gremlin for inspiring me with the amazing workshop her and the team at Gremlin have put together around chaos engineering game days. We've teamed up before on doing a lot of the things I go over in this stream. Thanks always for helping everyone learn more about their infra!
Liquid error: internal
These resources can help you in getting additional documentation or access to services mentioned in this stream.
Free $200 Azure Services
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service
kubectl cheat sheet
Hipster Shop Microservices Demo
aks-acr-all-in-one script
Principles of Chaos Engineering
The Author
If you're running into issues and need assistance with AKS or any other Azure service, reach out to me:
Twitter: @jaydestro
Twitch: jaydestro
Github: jaydestro
I am always happy to hear from developers and engineers who are trying to implement new services to improve their experience for their customers.
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