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Implementing Sentry in React Native for Enhanced Error Tracking`

React Native Sentry

Building stable mobile apps with React Native is critical for providing a consistent user experience.. Despite the rigorous testing, app crashes and errors are unavoidable. Without adequate error monitoring, these errors may go unreported until users report them, resulting in an unsatisfactory experience. Sentry is a application monitoring tool that simplifies error tracking and management in React Native projects.

In this article, we’ll look at how to integrate Sentry for error monitoring and recording in React Native. application. We will also take a look at how to build up error boundaries so that problems are captured and handled appropriately across your components. Let’s look at why Sentry is important and how error boundaries can assist you maintain app stability.

Why Integrate Sentry in React Native?

React Native apps can face both JavaScript and native crashes, which can be tricky to debug due to their occurrence across different layers. Manual error tracking is often cumbersome and unreliable. Here’s why Sentry is a game-changer:

  • Real-time Error Tracking: Sentry reports errors as they happen, so you don’t rely on user reports to know when something goes wrong.

  • **Comprehensive Stack Traces: **Whether errors arise from JavaScript or native code, Sentry provides complete stack traces for quicker debugging.

  • Detailed Context: Sentry offers valuable context including environment details, device information, and breadcrumbs, making reproduction and resolution easier.

  • Cross-platform Support: Track errors across iOS and Android seamlessly, with Sentry handling both JavaScript and native layers.

Benefits of Using Sentry for React Native Development

  • Accelerated Debugging: Detailed reports and context help developers resolve issues swiftly and accurately.

  • Automatic Error Grouping: Sentry organizes similar errors, aiding in prioritization based on severity and frequency.

  • Proactive Error Management: Immediate alerts let you address problems before they impact many users.

  • Unified Error Handling: Sentry captures errors from both JavaScript and native code, providing comprehensive visibility.

  • Performance Monitoring: Track app performance and identify bottlenecks alongside error tracking.

How to Set Up Sentry in React Native

1. Install the Sentry SDK

Begin by adding Sentry to your project:

yarn add @sentry/react-native
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Or with npm:

npm install @sentry/react-native
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

2. Link Native Dependencies

Configure Sentry for both iOS and Android:

npx @sentry/wizard -i reactNative -p ios android
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This setup integrates Sentry with your project.

Sentry React Native Wizard

Sentry React Native Wizard

Sentry React Native Wizard

3. Configure Sentry

Initialize Sentry in your main file (App.js or index.js):

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react-native';

  dsn: 'https://<your-project-dsn><your-project-id>',
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0, // Adjust based on performance needs
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Replace and with your actual Sentry values.

4. Implement Error Boundaries

Error boundaries are crucial for catching errors in rendering and lifecycle methods. Sentry provides an ErrorBoundary component for this purpose.

Create an Error Boundary Wrapper

import React from 'react';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react-native';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';

const ErrorBoundaryWrapper = ({ children }) => {
  return (
      fallback={<Text>An error occurred in this component.</Text>}
      onError={(error, componentStack) => {
        console.error('Error:', error, 'Component Stack:', componentStack);

export default ErrorBoundaryWrapper;
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Wrap Components with the Error Boundary

Wrap your components with the ErrorBoundaryWrapper:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import ErrorBoundaryWrapper from './ErrorBoundaryWrapper';

const HomeScreen = () => {
  return (
        <Text>Welcome to the Home Screen</Text>
        {/* Other components here */}

export default HomeScreen;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Apply a Global Error Boundary

To apply an error boundary globally:

import React from 'react';
import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react-native';
import ErrorBoundaryWrapper from './ErrorBoundaryWrapper';
import AppNavigator from './navigation/AppNavigator';

  dsn: 'https://<your-project-dsn><your-project-id>',
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,

const App = () => {
  return (
        <AppNavigator />

export default App;
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5. Customise Fallback UI and Error Handling

Tailor the fallback UI and error handling as needed:

const ErrorBoundaryWrapper = ({ children }) => {
return (
<View style={{ padding: 20 }}>
<Text>Something went wrong! Please try again later.</Text>
onError={(error, componentStack) => {
console.error('Error caught by Sentry:', error, 'Component stack:', componentStack);
// Additional logging or actions here
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Sentry Dashboard

Sentry provides detailed information on any errors or issues in the app through its UI intensive Dashboard.

Sentry Dashboard

Sentry React Native Issues list

It provides performance tracking of the application by providing with the time it took to load a component.

Sentry Performance tracker

Sentry Dashboard


Incorporating Sentry into your React Native app, alongside using error boundaries, offers a robust solution for error management and debugging. Wrapping components with error boundaries ensures errors are caught, reported, and don’t crash your entire app. This setup improves debugging efficiency and enhances user experience by preventing sudden crashes.

By applying error boundaries locally or globally, and leveraging Sentry’s powerful error tracking features, you can significantly boost your app’s stability. Try integrating these tools into your next React Native project and see the benefits for yourself!

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