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Bilal Arshad
Bilal Arshad

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Optimize Your C# Skills: A Comprehensive Guide to Best Practices and Tips

C# is a popular programming language that is widely used for developing a variety of applications, including desktop applications, mobile apps, and web applications. To write high-quality C# code, it is important to follow best practices that ensure the code is maintainable, efficient, and easy to understand. In this article, we will discuss some of the best practices for writing C# code, along with examples to illustrate each point.

  1. Use null-coalescing operator to simplify null checks: The null-coalescing operator (??) can be used to simplify null checks by providing a default value if the object is null. For example:

    int? x = null;
    int y = x ?? 5; // y will be 5
  2. Use string interpolation for easier string formatting, which allows you to embed expressions in a string using the $ symbol. This can make string formatting easier and more readable. For example:

    string name = "John";
    int age = 30;
    string message = $"{name} is {age} years old."; // message will be "John is 30 years old."
  3. Use async/await to simplify asynchronous code: Asynchronous programming can be complex, but async/await feature makes it much easier. The "async" keyword can be used to mark a method as asynchronous, and the "await" keyword can be used to pause the execution of the method until an asynchronous task is completed. For example:

    private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        await DoSomethingAsync();
        // Other code here will execute after DoSomethingAsync is completed
  4. Use PascalCase for naming methods, variables, and properties. For example:

    public void CalculateTotal()
      int studentCount = 10;
      string studentName = "John";
  5. Use camelCase for local variables. For example:

    public void CalculateTotal()
      int studentCount = 10;
      string studentName = "John";
      double totalMarks = CalculateMarks(studentCount, studentName);
  6. Use the var keyword when the type of the variable is obvious from the initialization expression. For example:

    var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
  7. Use proper indentation and white space to make the code more readable. For example:

    if (x > 0)
      y = x + 1;
      y = x - 1;
  8. Use proper commenting to document the code. For example:

    // This method calculates the total marks for a student
    public double CalculateMarks(int studentCount, string studentName)
      // Calculate the marks
      double marks = studentCount * 50;
      // Return the marks
      return marks;
  9. Use the using statement when working with disposable objects, such as database connections and file streams. This will ensure that the objects are properly disposed of when they are no longer needed. For example:

    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
      // Perform database operations
  10. Use exception handling to handle runtime errors and prevent the application from crashing. For example:

      // Code that may throw an exception
    catch (Exception ex)
      // Code to handle the exception
  11. Use the async and await keywords to perform asynchronous operations and improve the performance of the application. For example:

    private async Task<int> CalculateTotalAsync()
      int result = await GetDataAsync();
      return result;

By using these best practices and tips, C# developers can write cleaner, more efficient code and take full advantage of the features offered by C#.

I would love to hear from you! If you have any tips or experiences that you would like to share with our community, please leave a comment below. Your insights and stories can be incredibly valuable to others who may be struggling through their software engineering careers.

Thank you in advance for contributing to this discussion! I will try to get this article up to date with new stuff.

Top comments (7)

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Use the "var" keyword to infer variable types

Quick note. The var keyword is not "used" to infer variable types. It is not a function-like thing where you give var an unknown variable and spits out its type. I know you know this, I'm just pointing out it reads like this. So you might want to redact this little part. Maybe all you need to say is that the infering is done by the compiler, for the compiler. Like it is not a result available to the human.

On a more helpful note, consider not promoting var at all since it makes code more difficult to read. Instead, let's promote the new way of creating objects:

Stopwatch sw = new();
// As opposed to
// Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
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After all, the use of var simply relieves you from typing the type twice. The new constructor syntax does this for you while clearly showing the data type.

bilalarxd profile image
Bilal Arshad

Noted and updated. Thanks for your feedback.

t4rzsan profile image
Jakob Christensen • Edited

Agreed. Async/await is C# 5 and string interpolation is C# 6.

bilalarxd profile image
Bilal Arshad

Thanks for your feedback.

shekarreddyb profile image
Shekar Reddy

1 and 2 are same?

bilalarxd profile image
Bilal Arshad

Fixed! Thanks.

bilalarxd profile image
Bilal Arshad

Thanks for your feedback.