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Bahman Shadmehr
Bahman Shadmehr

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Sending messages to RabbitMQ using RabbitMQProducer

Title: Sending Notifications with RabbitMQ

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Code
  3. Code Explanation
  4. Conclusion


In this blog post, we will explore a code snippet that demonstrates sending notifications to users using RabbitMQ. The code utilizes the RabbitMQConnection, Config, and RabbitMQProducer classes to establish a connection to RabbitMQ and publish notifications through different channels based on user preferences.


# Import necessary classes and modules
from connection import RabbitMQConnection
from config import Config
from producers.base import RabbitMQProducer

def send_notification():
    # User notifications data
    user_notifications = {
        "user1": {
            "notifications": {"email": True, "sms": False},
            "email": "",
            "phone": "1234567890",
        "user2": {
            "notifications": {"email": True, "sms": True},
            "email": "",
            "phone": "9876543210",
        "user3": {
            "notifications": {"email": False, "sms": True},
            "email": "",
            "phone": "5555555555",

    # Configuration setup
    config = Config(override=True)

    # Establish RabbitMQ connection
    with RabbitMQConnection(host=config.RABBITMQ_HOST, port=config.RABBITMQ_PORT, username=config.RABBITMQ_USER,
                            password=config.RABBITMQ_PASSWORD) as connection:
        producer = RabbitMQProducer(connection)

        # Iterate over user notifications
        for user_id, user_data in user_notifications.items():
            notification = user_data["notifications"]
            email = user_data["email"]
            phone = user_data["phone"]

            # Publish notifications for enabled types
            for notification_type, enabled in notification.items():
                if enabled:
                    routing_key = f"notif.{notification_type}"
                    data = {
                        "user_id": user_id,
                        "type": notification_type,
                        "email": email,
                        "phone": phone
                    producer.publish_message(exchange=config.EXCHANGE_NAME, routing_key=routing_key, data=data)
                    print(f"Notification sent to user {user_id} via {notification_type}")
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Code Explanation

The code snippet demonstrates the send_notification function, which sends notifications to users through RabbitMQ. Here's a detailed explanation of the code:

  1. User Notifications Data

The user_notifications dictionary contains information about different users and their notification preferences. Each user is represented by a unique ID, and their data includes a dictionary of notification types (email and SMS), along with email and phone contact details.

  1. Configuration Setup

The config object is created using the Config class, which reads configuration values from the environment or uses default values. This allows flexibility in configuring RabbitMQ host, port, username, password, and other settings.

  1. Establishing Connection and Publishing Notifications
  • Within a with block, a RabbitMQConnection instance is created, providing the necessary connection parameters from the config object. This ensures the connection is automatically closed when the block is exited.

  • A RabbitMQProducer instance is created, passing the established connection as a parameter.

  • The code iterates through the user_notifications dictionary, retrieving the user ID, notification preferences, email, and phone details.

  • For each enabled notification type, a routing key is constructed using the format "notif.{notification_type}".

  • A data dictionary is created,

containing the user ID, notification type, email, and phone details.

  • The producer.publish_message method is called to publish the notification message to the RabbitMQ exchange. It uses the exchange name from the config object, the constructed routing key, and the data dictionary.

  • A success message is printed, indicating the user ID and the notification type through which the notification was sent.


The code snippet showcases an example of sending notifications using RabbitMQ. By leveraging the RabbitMQConnection, Config, and RabbitMQProducer classes, you can establish a connection to RabbitMQ and publish notifications to different channels based on user preferences. This code provides a foundation for building a robust and flexible notification system within your applications.

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