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Part II: Making more commands with Eris and Yuuko - Embeds

Part 2

If you want to skip the next part, click here.

Code from Previous Post

As promised, I will be putting the code here for those who just want to grab and go:
Your project directory:

│   .env
│   index.js
│   package-lock.json
│   package.json
│       owo.js
│       ready.js
    │   ...
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const { Client } = require('yuuko');
const path = require('path');
const dotenv = require('dotenv');
var env = dotenv.config();
env = process.env;

const bot = new Client({
    token: env.TOKEN,
    prefix: env.PREFIX,
    ignoreBots: true,

    variableOne: 'Variable number 1!',
bot.editStatus('dnd'); // edits bot status

bot.on('error', (err) => {

bot.globalCommandRequirements = {
    guildOnly: true,

    .addDir(path.join(__dirname, 'commands'))
    .addDir(path.join(__dirname, 'events'))
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./package.json + ./package-lock.json
I will not be showing this, but you should have yuuko, eris, and dotenv installed.

const { Command } = require('yuuko');
module.exports = new Command('owo', (message, args, context) => {'OwO');
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const { EventListener } = require('yuuko');
module.exports = new EventListener('ready', ({client}) => {
  console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.usename}`);
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That should be all the code for now.

The Meme Command

Now, for the Meme command! For this, we will need to get the memes from reddit. For that, we will be using got to get the JSON from
Install got first:

npm i got --save
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Create a file in ./commands and name it meme.js.
Put the following code inside (I will be explaining it later):

const { Command } = require('yuuko');
const got = require('got');
module.exports = new Command('meme', (message) => {
        .then((response) => {
            const [list] = JSON.parse(response.body);
            const [post] =;

            const permalink =;
            const memeUrl = `${permalink}`;
            const memeImage =;
            const memeTitle =;
            const memeUpvotes =;
            const memeNumComments =;
                embed: {
                    title: memeTitle,
                    url: memeUrl,
                    image: {
                        url: memeImage,
                    color: 15267908,
                    footer: {
                        text: `👍 ${memeUpvotes} 💬 ${memeNumComments}`,
        .catch(err => {

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Now start the project by navigating to the root folder of the project and running

node index.js
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or if you have nodemon installed

nodemon index.js
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Let me break the code up into smaller pieces to explain it.

const { Command } = require('yuuko');
const got = require('got');
module.exports = new Command('meme', (message) => {
  // code here
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So, we first import the modules as usual, and create a command as we did before. Easy.

got('').then((response) => {
  // code here
}).catch(err => {
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Now, we use got to get the JSON from reddit (the subreddit r/memes actually), and save the response as the response variable. Note that we are using Promises here, thus the .then().catch() in the code. You can, however, use the async/await in ES6.


const [list] = JSON.parse(response.body);
const [post] =;
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Now, we parse the response body by using JSON.parse (Note: You will get an error if you just use JSON.parse(response)), and get the information about the reddit post which we saved inside the post variable. Understand? Excellent.

const permalink =;
const memeUrl = `${permalink}`;
const memeImage =;
const memeTitle =;
const memeUpvotes =;
const memeNumComments =;
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Now we save the post url as memeUrl, the meme image url as memeImage, the meme title as memeTitle, the number of meme upvotes as memeUpvotes, and the number of comments as memeNumComments.{
                embed: {
                    title: memeTitle,
                    url: memeUrl,
                    image: {
                        url: memeImage,
                    color: 15267908,
                    footer: {
                        text: `👍 ${memeUpvotes} 💬 ${memeNumComments}`,
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We then send the embed object. That's the end of it. Easy, right?


In this post, we used a REST API, and learnt how to send an embed in Eris. For my next post, I will be writing a whois command. See you until next time!

Top comments (1)

canaris profile image

Apparently got was updated to v12 and is ESM only, y'all will have to install specifically got version 11.

npm i got@11
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