Given a positive integer n: 0 < n < 1e6, remove the last digit until you're left with a number that is a multiple of three.
Return n if the input is already a multiple of three, and return null if no such number exists.
1 => null
25 => null
36 => 36
1244 => 12
952406 => 9
My solution:
const prevMultOfThree = n => {
let arr = n.toString().split('')
for(let i = 0; i<arr.length; i++){
for(let j = 0; j<arr.length; i++){
let sum = +arr.join('')
if( sum % 3 === 0) return sum
return null
First I splitted the number into an string array
let arr = n.toString().split('')
Then after that I used a loop that iterated until i is equal to the array length.
Inside of this array I used anothe for loop that still iterated the same array, inside of this loop I made the variable "sum" that is equal to the array joined and converted it to a number with the + operator, after that I added a conditional that checked if it is divisible by 3, if it is divisible by 3 it will return 3, but if not it will continue the loop but with the array without the last element, using arr.pop()
for(let j = 0; j<arr.length; i++){
let sum = +arr.join('')
if( sum % 3 === 0) return sum
if the loop is over and the array is still empty, it means that any number was divisible by 3, so it returns null
return null
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