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CloudDude profile picture


Cloud Fanboy 🤙🏼, ACE pro, speaker 🚀🚀🚀, IaC, cloud , DevOps, Oracle, virtualization


Cloud engineer

Terraform for dummies Part1 : Launch an instance with a static website on OCI

Terraform for dummies Part1 : Launch an instance with a static website on OCI

8 min read
Terraform for dummies part 3: Launch a vm with a static website on Azure

Terraform for dummies part 3: Launch a vm with a static website on Azure

11 min read
Terraform for dummies part 2: Launch an instance with a static website on AWS

Terraform for dummies part 2: Launch an instance with a static website on AWS

10 min read
Oracle 19c Data Guard builds on Rhel8 /Oracle linux8/Centos8 (Vagrant)

Oracle 19c Data Guard builds on Rhel8 /Oracle linux8/Centos8 (Vagrant)

4 min read
Terraform for Dummies Part 4: Launch a VM with a Static Website on a Google Cloud Platform —…

Terraform for Dummies Part 4: Launch a VM with a Static Website on a Google Cloud Platform —…

10 min read
Fixes for Virtualbox errors due to latest Windows 10 updates

Fixes for Virtualbox errors due to latest Windows 10 updates

3 min read