'Collecting' an Object Pre-ES2015/ES6
Give Given some existing 'in scope' variables, if we wanted to 'collect' them into an object, before ES2015, we had to do:
const fname= "Mark";
const lname = "Galloway";
const aliases = ["Mean Mark", "The Undertaker", "American Bad Ass"];
const status = "retired";
const wrestler = {
fname: fname,
lname: lname,
aliases: aliases,
status: status
'Collecting' An Object ES6+
Object Shorthand
const fname= "Mark";
const lname = "Galloway";
const aliases = ["Mean Mark", "The Undertaker", "American Bad Ass"];
const status = "retired";
* If there is no ':',
* the OBJECT LITERAL automatically 'creates' a STRING 🔑
* and assigns the VALUE BOUND TO the VARIABLE IN SCOPE
* that has the same name. 🦄
const wrestler = {
Summarily, this is a nice way to save some typing. Less typing ➡️ fewer mistakes and 🐛s.
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