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Implement a Hashmap with its various methods

Problem Statement: Implement Hash Map with get, set and remove methods.

Difficulty level: Easy

Test Cases

  1. Get
    • Get - key exists --> value
    • Get - key doesn't exist --> Keyerror
  2. Set
    • Set - key exists --> Overwrite value
    • Set - key doesn't exist --> new key, value
  3. Remove
    • Remove - key exists --> delete key, value
    • Remove - key doesn't exist --> Keyerror


  1. Hash Function

    • Return key modulo(%) table size
  2. Get Function

    • Get hashIndex for lookup
    • If key exists, return the value
    • Else, keyerror
  3. Set Function

    • Get hashIndex for lookup
    • If key exists, overwrite the value
    • Else, add value
  4. Remove Function

    • Get hashIndex for lookup
    • If key exists, delete the entry from the table
    • Else, keyerror

Time and Space Complexity

  1. Hash Function
    • Time complexity: O(1)
    • Space complexity: O(1)
  2. Get Function
    • Time complexity: O(1) average and best case, O(n) worst case
    • Space complexity: O(1)
  3. Set Function
    • Time complexity: O(1) average and best case, O(n) worst case
    • Space complexity: O(1)
  4. Remove Function
    • Time complexity: O(1) average and best case, O(n) worst case
    • Space complexity: O(1)


class Item(object):
    def __init__(self, key, value):
        self.key = key
        self.value = value

class HashTable(object):
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size
        self.table = [[] for _ in range(self.size)]

    def hashFunction(self, key):
        return key % self.size

    def set(self, key, value):
        hashIndex = self.hashFunction(key)
        for item in self.table[hashIndex]:
            if item.key == key:
                item.value = value
        self.table[hashIndex].append(Item(key, value))

    def get(self, key):
        hashIndex = self.hashFunction(key)
        for item in self.table[hashIndex]:
            if item.key == key:
                return item.value
        raise KeyError('Key not found')

    def remove(self, key):
        hashIndex = self.hashFunction(key)
        for index, item in enumerate(self.table[hashIndex]):
            if item.key == key:
                del self.table[hashIndex][index]
        raise KeyError('Key not found')

Unit Test

import unittest
from hashmap import HashTable

class TestHashMap(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_end_to_end(self):
        hash_table = HashTable(10)

        print("Test: get on an empty hash table index")
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, hash_table.get, 0)

        print("Test: set on an empty hash table index")
        hash_table.set(0, 'first')
        self.assertEqual(hash_table.get(0), 'first')
        hash_table.set(1, 'second')
        self.assertEqual(hash_table.get(1), 'second')

        print("Test: set on a non empty hash table index")
        hash_table.set(10, 'third')
        self.assertEqual(hash_table.get(0), 'first')
        self.assertEqual(hash_table.get(10), 'third')

        print("Test: set on a key that already exists")
        hash_table.set(10, 'fourth')
        self.assertEqual(hash_table.get(0), 'first')
        self.assertEqual(hash_table.get(10), 'fourth')

        print("Test: remove on a key that already exists")
        self.assertEqual(hash_table.get(0), 'first')
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, hash_table.get, 10)

        print("Test: remove on a key that doesn't exist")
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, hash_table.remove, -1)

        print('Success: test_end_to_end')

def main():
    test = TestHashMap()

if __name__ == "__main__":

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