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Cover image for The Other Side of Tech - A Documentarian Perspective
Alex Patterson for CodingCatDev

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

The Other Side of Tech - A Documentarian Perspective



  1. Tell us a little about how you got into making tech documentaries.
    1. Why specifically tech focused?
  2. Have you noticed the tech community is different from others you’ve interviewed?
  3. How do people tend to react when you ask for an interview?
  4. Best thing about making tech documentaries?
  5. Worst thing about making tech documentaries? 😅
  6. Can we talk about the Svelte documentary?
    1. When is it coming out?
    2. Why Svelte, besides the fact it's awesome 😄?
  7. How have you found your topics and people to interview?
  8. Looking forward, what other technologies / communities would you like to make documentaries about?

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