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Cover image for 5. Create a categories index page - Create a Commerce.js store with Svelte
Jamie Barton for Commerce.js

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5. Create a categories index page - Create a Commerce.js store with Svelte

Just like we did for categories, we'll do the same for listing all categories.

Inside src/routes, create the directory categories, and a new file index.svelte.

As you can probably guess, it's here we will fetch all categories using Commerce.js.

<script context="module">
  import commerce from "../../lib/commerce.js";

  export async function preload() {
    const { data: categories } = await commerce.categories.list();

    return {

  export let categories;


  {#each categories as category}
      <a rel="prefetch" href="categories/{category.slug}">{}</a>
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Before we continue, let's add a link to the /categories page on our root index page.

Above where we list categories, add the following:

<h3><a href="/categories">Categories</a></h3>
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