In previous parts, we've deployed the Django web application to ECS and connected PostgreSQL to it. But now, we have to deploy application changes manually. In this part, we are going to automate this process with the following steps:
- Create a GitLab group and projects for the backend and the infrastructure repositories.
- Add the
CI/CD stage to run tests. - Add the
CI/CD stage to build a docker image and push it to the ECR. - Add the
CI/CD stage to update the application on AWS.
Creating Projects
Let's start with creating a GitLab group and projects. Go to and register an account.
Then create a GitLab group. A group is like a folder for projects. You can configure shared settings like access policy and CI variables for them.
Create projects for Django and Terraform in this group. Be sure to remove the "Initialize repository with a README" option to create a clean repository.
Also, add your ssh key to SSH Keys section. It allows you to access your projects via Git.
Now, let's push both of our repositories to GitLab.
# Push backend
cd ../django-aws-backend
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin main
# Push infrastructure
cd ../django-aws-infrastructure
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream origin main
Check your GitLab projects in a browser and verify that the push is successful.
Stage: Test
Now let's add unit tests check to the Django project. Django's unit tests use a Python standard library module unittest. See more info about testing a Django application here.
Go to the Django project, activate venv
and start a PostgreSQL Docker container:
$ cd ../django-aws-backend
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ docker-compose up -d
Let's create django_aws/
and add a simple test to check DB connection:
from django.test import TestCase
from django.db import connection
class DbConnectionTestCase(TestCase):
def test_db_connection(self):
Run python test
$ python test
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
Ran 1 test in 0.010s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
Now, let's add this check on GitLab's side. Take a look here if you have no idea what GitLab CI is. Generally, GitLab will run code specified in .gitlab-ci.yml
on every push in the repository.
Create .gitlab-ci.yml
file with following content:
image: python:3.10
- test
POSTGRES_DB: django_aws
DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:password@postgres:5432/django_aws
- postgres:14.2
- requirements.txt
prefix: ${CI_JOB_NAME}
- venv
- .cache/pip
stage: test
- python -m venv venv
- . venv/bin/activate
- pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python test
image: python:3.10
. By default, GitLab runs CI/CD pipeline on shared runners hosted by GitLab using the docker executor. Here we specify docker image for the executor. -
. A pipeline can have several stages. Now we have only thetest
stage. In the future, we will have three stages:test
, anddeploy
. GitLab will execute stages in the specified order. -
services: postgres:14.2
. GitLab will run PostgreSQL in a separate container during thetest
stage. So, our Django application will be able to run DB-related tests. -
- environment variables for both Django and PostgreSQL docker containers. -
cache: key:
. Here we cache the result of thepip install
command to speed up pipeline executions. If the keyfiles: requirements.txt
hasn't changed since the last run GitLab will download the cache forvenv
directories. -
script: ...
is commands to execute. GitLab executes commands one by one. If some command returns a non-zero exit code, GitLab will interrupt pipeline execution and mark it Failed. If all commands have been executed successfully, GitLab marks the current stage as Successful and goes to the next stage.
Now, push the changes and take a look at CI/CD tab of your GitLab Django project.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "add gitlab-ci; add test"
$ git push
Stage: Build
Tests are passed, so we move on to the build
stage. At this stage, we need to connect our GitLab account with our AWS account to grant GitLab access to the ECR repository. For this, we'll create a separate AWS user gitlab
with limited permissions. Let's go to the AWS IAM console and create a new user.
You can find instructions on how to create an AWS user here
Add to this user AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser
policy to enable read and write permission to any ECR repository on this account. Proceed to the final step of user creation and save ACCESS_KEY_ID
Now go to the GitLab group settings and add AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
variables. GitLab runner will use these credentials for AWS CLI calls.
Make sure to mask sensitive variables AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
to hide their values in GitLab logs. Take a look at the AWS deployment documentation page for more information.
Then add to the .gitlab-ci.yml
build block:
- test
- build
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
stage: build
- docker:20.10-dind
- aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_REGISTRY_URL
- docker pull $AWS_REGISTRY_URL || true
- docker build --cache-from $AWS_REGISTRY_URL -t $AWS_REGISTRY_URL .
- docker push $AWS_REGISTRY_URL
- main
. This image allows using AWS CLI commands during CI/CD. -
services: docker:20.10-dind
. We use docker-in-docker to build the docker image inside the docker executor. Docker starts as a separate service, so we can access the docker daemon from the GitLab job. -
. Specify the path to the docker-in-docker daemon and disable TLS connection. -
. Construct the ECR URL from the project name. Ensure that the names of the ECR repo and Gitlab project are the same. -
before_script: aws ecr get-login-password
. Log in to ECR. -
docker pull $AWS_REGISTRY_URL || true
. Pull actual image to use it as cache -
docker push $AWS_REGISTRY_URL
. Upload image to ECR. -
only: main
. We'll build a docker image formain
branch only.
Commit your changes and check a CI/CD pipeline:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "add build stage"
$ git push
Stage: Deploy
Build stage passed, now we'll deploy container from ECR to ECS.
But let's start with running migrations. We want to run migrations as separate ECS task to avoid any side effects on web application. Go to the infrastructure
project and make following changes in
and apply changes:
# Production cluster
locals {
container_vars = {
region = var.region
image = aws_ecr_repository.backend.repository_url
log_group =
rds_db_name = var.prod_rds_db_name
rds_username = var.prod_rds_username
rds_password = var.prod_rds_password
rds_hostname =
# Backend web task definition and service
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "prod_backend_web" {
container_definitions = templatefile(
name = "prod-backend-web"
command = ["gunicorn", "-w", "3", "-b", ":8000", "django_aws.wsgi:application"]
log_stream =
# Cloudwatch Logs
resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_stream" "prod_backend_migrations" {
name = "prod-backend-migrations"
log_group_name =
# Migrations
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "prod_backend_migration" {
network_mode = "awsvpc"
requires_compatibilities = ["FARGATE"]
cpu = 256
memory = 512
family = "backend-migration"
container_definitions = templatefile(
name = "prod-backend-migration"
command = ["python", "", "migrate"]
log_stream =
depends_on = []
execution_role_arn = aws_iam_role.ecs_task_execution.arn
task_role_arn = aws_iam_role.prod_backend_task.arn
Here we've moved the same variables for migration
and web
containers in container_vars
. Then we've created a separate task definition and log stream for the migration container. Now we can the start task with a specified task definition to apply migrations for every release.
Now let's create a deployment script. Return the Django project and create scripts/
cd ../django-aws-backend
mkdir scripts
touch scripts/
chmod 777 scripts/
with the following content:
set -e
# Collect ECS_GROUP_ID and PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for running migrations
echo "Collecting data..."
ECS_GROUP_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters Name=group-name,Values=prod-ecs-backend --query "SecurityGroups[*][GroupId]" --output text)
PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=prod-private-1" --query "Subnets[*][SubnetId]" --output text)
echo "Running migration task..."
# Construct NETWORK_CONFIGURATON to run migtaion task
NETWORK_CONFIGURATON="{\"awsvpcConfiguration\": {\"subnets\": [\"${PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID}\"], \"securityGroups\": [\"${ECS_GROUP_ID}\"],\"assignPublicIp\": \"DISABLED\"}}"
# Start migration task
MIGRATION_TASK_ARN=$(aws ecs run-task --cluster prod --task-definition backend-migration --count 1 --launch-type FARGATE --network-configuration "${NETWORK_CONFIGURATON}" --query 'tasks[*][taskArn]' --output text)
echo "Task ${MIGRATION_TASK_ARN} running..."
# Wait migration task to complete
aws ecs wait tasks-stopped --cluster prod --tasks "${MIGRATION_TASK_ARN}"
echo "Updating web..."
# Updating web service
aws ecs update-service --cluster prod --service prod-backend-web --force-new-deployment --query "service.serviceName" --output json
echo "Done!"
You can check the docs for run-task, wait tasks-stopped, and update-service commands.
Run this script locally to check it:
$ ./scripts/
Collecting data...
Running migration task...
Task arn:aws:ecs:us-east-2:947134793474:task/prod/dcc06d7ec1ac4bb69bba445565eddf8b running...
Updating web...
We've successfully run this script by the admin
user. GitLab CI/CD will use the gitlab
user, so we need to grant all required permissions.
Let's create a new policy gitlab-deploy-ecs
, and add it to the gitlab
user. Go to the IAM Console, select the "Users" tab and click on the gitlab
Next, click on "Add inline policy" and add the JSON policy definition. You need to use your AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
instead of 947134793474
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["*"]
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:PassRole",
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ecs:RunTask",
"Resource": "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-2:947134793474:task-definition/backend-migration*"
Explaining policies:
— for "Collecting data..." stage. -
— for running a migration ECS task. -
— for waiting a migration ECS task ends. -
— for updating the ECS Django web application.
Click "Review Policy", name the policy gitlab-ecs-deploy
and click "Create Policy". Now, the gitlab
user will be able to execute the
Add deploy stage to .gitlab-ci.yml
- test
- build
- deploy
stage: deploy
- ./scripts/
- main
At the deploy stage, we simply run
script. We use the aws-base
image to have access to AWS CLI commands.
Finally, let's add some changes to Django to see that our application will be updated automatically. Let's change the Django Admin header text. Add this line to django_aws/
: = "Django AWS Admin Panel"
Now commit your changes and see how's your pipeline going.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "add deploy stage"
$ git push
Check your admin page
and see a new title. It can take some time to update the ECS service.
Also, do not forget to push infrastructure code to GitLab.
Congratulations! We've successfully set up CI/CD with GitLab for our web Django web application. Now we can commit our code to the main
branch, and GitLab CI/CD will automatically test, build and deploy it on the AWS.
But the
domain looks not user-friendly :) Also, we need to secure the connection between a user and the Django application with an SSL certificate. In the next part, we'll connect the Namecheap domain to AWS and set up an SSL certificate for them.
You can find the source code of backend and infrastructure projects here and here.
If you need technical consulting on your project, check out our website or connect with me directly on LinkedIn.
Top comments (9)
Tutorial over! Looking forward to see part 4, will it be possible with this part to easily do the same thing with another domain than namecheap like godaddy for example ?
When do you think part 4 will be posted? If you have visibility On it
I'll going to publish the part 4 today.
Yes, sure. You only need to specify the AWS nameservers for your doamin. If your domain provider has a terraform module for NS management you will be able to do it with Terraform.
Otherwise you can specify the nameservers manually.
Pretty cool thank you ! Is it a good practice to add nginx with FARGATE ?
I think you don't need an Nginx server between the load-balancer and the Django application.
If you want to check some rules you can use Load Balancer rules:
Hello, first thank you for your tutorial it's awesome !!
I encounter a blockage during the CI/CD on the build side. It fails by indicating this error:
An error occurred (IncompleteSignatureException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation:.....
Error: Cannot perform an interactive login from a non TTY device
I searched everywhere to know where it came from but without success.
Hello, thank you!
I think this will solve your problem
So, instead of
aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_REGISTRY_URL
docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password) $AWS_REGISTRY_URL
Thanks for your response.
I tried this but I get :
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Error response from daemon: Get "": unauthorized: incorrect username or password
I think you need to return to this code
aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_REGISTRY_URL
. It fails becauseaws ecr get-login-password
command prints nothing to stdout.Maybe, you have invalid credentials in Gitlab variables? Can you check
aws ecr get-login-password
command locally withAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
credentials you use in GitLab? You can set credentials locally innano ~/.aws/credentials
I made it work by adding the creds directly in the project not in the group