When you are about to develop a PHP application, you might run into these local web server solutions: XAMPP
, Laragon
XAMPP: This might be the very first thing you would use if you are a beginner in the PHP web application development. XAMPP provides only the most basic services for PHP web application, which are Apache2
as web server and MySQL
as database server, and maybe database manager like phpMyAdmin
WAMP: It's like XAMPP, but it has virtualhost manager that can be used to make your local website URL customizable and looks prettier.
Laragon: It's like WAMP, but it's supercharged with some modern services to support your development, like Redis
, Memcached
, mail catcher, and more. It's the second most complete local web server solution of all I about to tell you here in this post.
Those local web servers solutions are good, but what if I want ... more?
A ready to use Docker-based solution
Meet Laradock, a full PHP development environment based on Docker
, it's pre-configured and ready to use. Using a modern services like Elasticsearch
, Selenium
, Sonarqube
locally on your machine is not a dream anymore.
Setting Up Laradock for Local Development
Before we get started to use Laradock
, make sure you have docker
and docker-compose
installed on your machine. Any operating systems (Linux, Windows, MacOS) should support the docker.
Let's assume you have your own awesome Laravel application and it's placed in a directory named projects
- projects
|_ my-awesome-laravel-app
Now grab the latest Laradock
project from its official github page or clone it using git
and place it in projects
- projects
|_ my-awesome-laravel-app
|_ laradock
Inside the laradock
directory, you will find env-example
file. Clone it into a new file named .env
- projects
|_ my-awesome-laravel-app
|_ laradock
|_ ...
|_ env-example
|_ .env
We are going to use the essential containers for our awesome Laravel app, they are nginx
, mysql
and probably phpMyAdmin
Setting up Nginx
Go to laradock
> nginx
> sites
directory. You will find laravel.conf.example
, clone it into a new file named my-awesome-laravel-app.test.conf
(you can give this file any name you want but make sure it ends with .conf
- projects
|_ my-awesome-laravel-app
|_ laradock
|_ ...
|_ nginx
|_ sites
|_ ...
|_ my-awesome-laravel-app.test.conf
|_ laravel.conf.example
|_ env-example
|_ .env
Inside the my-awesome-laravel-app.test.conf
file, change the server_name
into your desired domain URL and root
into your awesome laravel app public folder path.
server {
server_name my-awesome-laravel-app.test;
root /var/www/my-awesome-laravel-app/public;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
That's it for nginx
Setting up MySQL and PhpMyAdmin
No need to setup here...
The pre-configured users that can be used here are:
- Root User:
- username:
| password:root
- username:
- Non-Root User:
- username:
| password:secret
- username:
Setting up your awesome Laravel app .env
Your app won't running, unless you configure the my-awesome-laravel-app/.env
file right. The odd one is the DB_HOST
, which its value must be mysql
instead of localhost
. Here are the env parameters you have to check:
Running the containers
If you are using services like apache2
or mysql
on your machine that uses 8080, 80, 3306
ports, please stop them first before you run the laradock's containers.
By using your favorite command-line interface (I'm using Terminus by the way. It's a cool CLI) , go inside laradock
directory and execute this docker-compose command:
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql phpmyadmin
The above command will pull and build only the used containers (nginx, mysql, phpmyadmin) and the basic laradock container named workspace
. The pull and build process will take long time (and your internet connection too) for the first time.
After all done, you can check the containers statuses whether they are running or not by executing:
docker-compose ps
Now, the only one thing you have to do is adding the my-awesome-laravel-app.test
domain into you machine hosts
file. For Windows, it should be in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
and for linux-based, it should be in /etc/hosts
... my-awesome-laravel-app.test
Now, your awesome laravel app should be accessible by opening the http://my-awesome-laravel-app.test on your browser.
Creating database using phpMyAdmin
Don't forget to create your_awesome_database
using phpMyAdmin. It's should be accessible in http://localhost:8080 . You can use the any given user credentials above to login, and make sure you fill the server
form with mysql
instead of localhost
Recently if you have an error that the 8080 port already taken by the workspace, you can set
file, restart the container usingdocker-compose restart phpmyadmin
and open http://localhost:8081 instead.
Entering the Workspace Container bash
You might be forgot to run the composer install
inside the laravel app. Don't worry, you can use the workspace bash that has all the command-line utilities needed for your laravel app. To enter the bash, make sure you are inside laradock
directory in your CLI and execute this docker-compose command:
docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash
The directory starting point should be in /var/www/
and your laravel app should be here too. You can go there to execute composer install
command and some artisan command like php artisan migrate
or maybe create another project using composer's composer create-project laravel/laravel my-another-laravel-app
There are a lot of laradock services that I want to cover later, but you can explore it yourself. Have fun!
Laravel version used: 5.5 LTS
Laradock MySQL version used: 8.0.20
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