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Sacha Thommet
Sacha Thommet

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Kubernetes homelab - Learning by doing, Part 2: Installation

In this part, I'll walk you through the (few) installation steps for the cluster.

Operating system

I opted for Ubuntu Server since I'm already familiar with Ubuntu because I'm using it on my desktop computer.

Maybe in the future I will try others systems, like Talos which is designed for Kubernetes - secure, immutable, and minimal.

Kubernetes Distribution

Given that MicroK8s is developed by Canonical, the same team behind Ubuntu, I naturally choose it.

It supports all the features that I need:

  • It can run on a single node without requiring high availability (HA).
  • Yet it also supports HA, I can add a third node in the future.
  • Easy to install & to update.


Installing MicroK8s was super simple by following the official guide available here.


As with any installation of this kind, the first step is to ensure your system meets the requirements.

  • At least Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, or newer to run the commands (or another operating system which supports snapd - see the snapd documentation).
  • MicroK8s runs in as little as 540MB of memory, but to accommodate workloads, Canonical recommend a system with at least 20G of disk space and 4G of memory.
  • An internet connection


Run these commands on every node, in my case server1 and server2.

# install microk8s
sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=<version>

# Add your current user to the microk8s group
# and gain access to the .kube directory (where some of the k8s configuration goes on) 
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER
mkdir -p ~/.kube
chmod 0700 ~/.kube
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Then, create a cluster by adding server2 as a worker to the server1 master node.

# On the master node (server1)
microk8s add-node

# Then from the node you wish to join to this cluster, run the command displayed by the command above, like:

# Join as a worker, not running the Kubernetes control plane
microk8s join <server1_ip>:25000/92b2db237428470dc4fcfc4ebbd9dc81/2c0cb3284b05 --worker

# Finally, from the master node, run to see the nodes in the cluster:
microk8s kubectl get nodes
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And voila, it's that simple!

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