In this episode, we talk about Google’s move to get your mobile apps to stream on their other devices. Then we speak with Aunshul Rege, associate professor with the Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University, about the rise of online dating scams and the incredible amounts of money people get swindled out of. Then we speak with Billy Perrigo, Staff Writer for TIME, about his piece titled, "Inside Facebook's African Sweatshop."
Show Notes
- DevDiscuss (sponsor)
- Stack Overflow Podcast (sponsor)
- CodeNewbie (sponsor)
- Scout APM (DevNews) (sponsor)
- Exclusive: Pixel will be able to stream Android apps to your Chromebook/PC, here’s how it works [Video]
- Universal Control: Everything You Need to Know
- Reports of romance scams hit record highs in 2021
- Inside Facebook's African Sweatshop
Aunshul Rege
Aunshul Rege is an Associate Professor and Director of the Cybersecurity in Application, Research, and Education (CARE) Lab at Temple University. Her research and education projects, which have been funded by several National Science Foundation grants, focus on the relevance of the human factor in cyberattacks and security.
Billy Perrigo
Billy Perrigo is a staff writer at TIME magazine focused on covering big tech and artificial intelligence.