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“Aha” Moments: When Did Coding Perspectives Click?

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Have you ever had a mentor (colleague, friend, etc.) who guided you through a challenging project or decision, leading to a significant "aha" moment in your development journey? Share the experience and its impact on your approach to problem-solving.

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Top comments (3)

ralphhightower profile image
Ralph Hightower

"Aha" moments to solving puzzling problems have come to me when I was:

  • in the shower
  • commuting to home

Solutions often come to mind when one is not thinking about the problem.

lucksinia profile image

Well, considering that little fact, that my "Aha!" moments are almost every time lead to the "That New Problem that could've be evaded if i didn't done This or That already", you can think that's when I read language docs in n-th time...
And you would be right!

schbenedikt profile image

"Aha" moment:
I could just use Github API!