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What's Your Favorite Outdated School 'Tech' Gadget?

We're going back to coding school with Nostalgia Bytes this week! Don't forget your TI calculators, Trapper Keepers, Lisa Frank folders, and USB drives. Each decade has its own story to tell. So get ready to relive the past and share your nostalgic memories with fellow developers.

πŸŽ’ What was your favorite 'tech' gadget during school days that now seems hilariously outdated?

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Top comments (6)

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard • Edited

The ipod !

I bought a mp3 player for 50€ and that's easily the best 50€ I spent since ages.

  1. I spend less time on my smartphone
  2. When I listen to music I have less notifications/internet/bluetooth/battery issues
  3. I listen to more music

And without music, life would be a mistake

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wait a minute now, you gotta go with the Zune. Nothing beats that little beautiful brown machine.

brown Zune laying on a wooden table

Plus, that way when we meet up in person, we can swap a few tunes! πŸ˜€

overflow profile image

Many people don't realise how anxious a mobile phone can make one. Always looking to expect a reply to a Whats App or a call etc can be distracting. Having an old phone with no sim card for playing music only; is also awesome. but a genuine mp3 player is the bomb-diggity.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard

Yep, unbundle your smartphone for more calm in your life

mp3 player + reading device like an Amazon Kindle

theaccordance profile image
Joe Mainwaring • Edited

The TI-84 was where I really began to get excited with programming. Ended up learning how to build calculator apps for math and physics formulas and my teacher allowed me to use them during tests and exams since I had written out the code in a notebook to demonstrate I was the author. The solutions not only gave you the answer for a given variable in the equation, they also printed out each step to demonstrate it on paper.

Also, shout out to the Cybiko, you were a novel idea in the pre-iOS era.

sjmulder profile image
Sijmen J. Mulder

There was a floppy disk vending machine in the hallway for when you needed to turn in homework but didn’t bring your own.