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Dipak Ahirav
Dipak Ahirav

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Ethical Coding: Dos and Don'ts for Modern Developers

👨‍💻 In today's digital age, ethical coding has become increasingly important. As developers, we have the power to shape the digital world, and with that power comes the responsibility to make ethical decisions in our work. Here are some dos and don’ts to guide you in ethical coding:

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Dos for Ethical Coding ✅

1. Do Respect User Privacy 🔒

  • Collect only necessary data: Minimize data collection to what is essential for the application’s functionality.
  • Use encryption: Protect sensitive data both in transit and at rest.
  • Provide clear privacy policies: Inform users about what data is collected, how it is used, and their rights.

2. Do Ensure Accessibility 🌍

  • Follow accessibility guidelines: Adhere to standards like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
  • Test for accessibility: Use tools and real-world testing to ensure your application is accessible to all users.
  • Provide alternative text: Ensure that all non-text content has appropriate text alternatives.

3. Do Write Secure Code 🔐

  • Sanitize inputs: Prevent injection attacks by validating and sanitizing all user inputs.
  • Keep dependencies updated: Regularly update third-party libraries to patch known vulnerabilities.
  • Implement security best practices: Follow secure coding guidelines to protect against common vulnerabilities.

4. Do Promote Transparency 🪞

  • Be open about algorithms: Explain how your algorithms work, especially if they affect user decisions or experiences.
  • Disclose potential biases: Acknowledge and address any biases in your code or algorithms.
  • Provide clear documentation: Ensure that your code and any associated documentation are transparent and understandable.

5. Do Test Thoroughly 🧪

  • Write comprehensive tests: Ensure your code works correctly in all expected scenarios.
  • Include edge cases: Test for unexpected or extreme inputs and conditions.
  • Automate testing: Use automated testing tools to maintain code quality and consistency.

6. Do Consider the Social Impact 🌱

  • Think about the long-term effects: Consider how your code will impact society and the environment.
  • Promote positive change: Use your skills to develop solutions that benefit society.
  • Avoid harmful applications: Steer clear of projects that could have negative social or environmental impacts.

7. Do Uphold Professional Integrity 🧑‍⚖️

  • Admit mistakes: Acknowledge errors and work to correct them promptly.
  • Respect intellectual property: Avoid plagiarism and give credit where it’s due.
  • Follow legal requirements: Ensure your code complies with relevant laws and regulations.

Don'ts for Ethical Coding 🚫

1. Don’t Violate User Trust 🛑

  • Avoid deceptive practices: Be honest and transparent with your users.
  • Don’t misuse data: Use collected data only for the purposes stated and agreed upon by users.
  • Avoid dark patterns: Don’t design interfaces that trick users into actions they might not otherwise take.

2. Don’t Ignore Security Vulnerabilities 🐞

  • Avoid ignoring warnings: Address security warnings and vulnerabilities promptly.
  • Don’t use outdated libraries: Regularly update dependencies to avoid known security issues.
  • Avoid hardcoding secrets: Never hardcode passwords or sensitive information in your code.

3. Don’t Discriminate in Algorithms ⚖️

  • Avoid biased data: Ensure your training data is representative and unbiased.
  • Don’t overlook fairness: Regularly audit your algorithms for fairness and inclusivity.
  • Avoid opaque algorithms: Ensure that users understand how decisions are made by your software.

4. Don’t Skimp on Documentation 📜

  • Avoid poor documentation: Comprehensive documentation is key to maintaining transparency and usability.
  • Don’t keep code secrets: Share documentation freely with users and collaborators.
  • Avoid outdated information: Keep documentation up-to-date with the latest code changes.

5. Don’t Ignore User Feedback 📢

  • Avoid dismissing feedback: Listen to user concerns and suggestions.
  • Don’t delay responses: Address user issues and questions promptly.
  • Avoid a lack of communication: Keep users informed about changes, updates, and issues.

6. Don’t Contribute to Harmful Technology 🛡️

  • Avoid working on unethical projects: Don’t contribute to software that promotes harm or unethical practices.
  • Don’t ignore the impact: Consider the broader implications of your work on society and the environment.
  • Avoid short-term thinking: Focus on the long-term benefits and risks of your projects.

By adhering to these ethical dos and don’ts, developers can contribute to a more trustworthy, inclusive, and responsible digital world. Ethical coding is not just about following rules but about fostering a culture of integrity, respect, and positive impact. Together, we can build technology that benefits everyone. 🌟

please subscribe to my YouTube channel to support my channel and get more web development tutorials.

Happy coding! 🚀

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Top comments (5)

krd8ssb profile image
Steven Brown

This is a pretty good list. One of the most overlooked I see is your #1 "Dos - Collect only necessary data"

This one is huge for many reasons but the top reasons are

  1. Liability
  2. Trust & Reputation

As engineers, we tend to want to know as much as possible about something. In the case of user data, we want to be able to plan for the unknown so that when we think of new ideas, we have data readily available to plug in or it may allow us to offer new features without asking for additional consent.

This is usually a very bad idea. Every additional piece of information that you collect that is not necessary to run your project or service is an additional piece of liability for you and/or your company if you are breached.

Process credit card payments? Awesome. Use a third party and don't store it any unnecessary information in your own database.

Allow a user to log into your system? Perfect. Try using a social sign-on instead of storing usernames and passwords. Most social sign-ons will have risk limiting security measures in place.

Things like this will help minimize your liability and risk but one final thing to keep in mind is that you don't only store data you work with in a database...

I'm talking about logs. Data that you log can be just as susceptible to a breach as your main database and data sensitivity needs to be assessed here as well. If you're unaware that you are logging user passwords because you opted to store it yourself, or you are logging credit card numbers because you feel you can implement it better than someone else, all of your database data security measures are pretty much rendered useless because you gave an attacker the data they wanted without having to go to your database.

Make sure you secure/clean up your log data the same way you do your database/datastore data, if not more so.

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Ever wondered if your code is truly unique? Knowing how to verify its originality is key for developers. It ensures integrity and helps avoid potential legal issues.

gadekar_sachin profile image
Sachin Gadekar


vidyarathna profile image
Vidyarathna Bhat

Great article, Dipak!

dipakahirav profile image
Dipak Ahirav

Thank you @vidyarathna