DEV Community

Eddie Kollar
Eddie Kollar

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For a good portion of the beginning of the 21st century, technologists have tried painting a utopian picture of how remote work would revolutionize commerce and daily life.

I have been fortunate enough to work remotely for several years now. For the longest time I experienced comments and questions like: "It must be nice not having to work in an office" and "How do you get any work done?"

2020 has been a testing ground for what Work From Home (WFH) could look like. Especially for many who never really had an opportunity or choice to do so. This year, more people have worked from home than at any point in history.

In hindsight those comments and questions sound very different because of these lived experiences.

What are we beginning to see? I am noticing a trend amongst workers, something that I kept running into over the years: burnout.

I didn't have clear boundaries between work and the rest of my life.

I allowed myself to work hours that left little to no time for activities that would help me rest and rejuvenate.

Found myself believing that needing to work certain hours was a reflection of commitment and self worth.

My health suffered at time. Especially my mental health.

Do you think that remote work is living up to the promise sold to us by technology and productivity enthusiasts?

What has been your experience with burnout?

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