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Cover image for Enclave Games Monthly Report: September 2024
Andrzej Mazur
Andrzej Mazur

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Enclave Games Monthly Report: September 2024

The sole fact that September’s Monthly Report goes out half a month later than it should tells you everything about the amount of work spent on the js13kGames competition this time.


Nothing new, although the NSHex Counter web app got another yearly update with the new Neuroshima Hex army addon, Desert Tribes.


Not much here as well, and only about the competition:

All js13kGames entries

OP Guild

Still focusing on the Decentralized category in js13kGames 2024, two out of four challenges to be specific: OP Guild and Arcadia. Around twenty compo entries landed on the Arcadia platform as part of the challenge.

js13kGames entries on Arcadia

Also, the collaboration between OP Guild and LittleJS Game Jam was announced.


I’ve attended ETHWarsaw, since it was happening in my own city, representing OP Guild and having cool conversations about blockchain game development with some folks, old friends and new.


The js13kGames competition turned its voting app… into the “new backend”, the brand new website. There’s yet to be a blog post written and published about it though.

DEV Web Game Challenge

I’ve also judged the very first DEV Web Game Challenge and enjoyed doing so - I’ve picked the best web game and explainer, plus shared the other two games I liked.


The Gamedev.js: Weekly issue #558 was delayed by a day because of the js13kGames submission deadline and all the work that needed to be done. Same thing happened a few weeks later with #561 when the winners were being announced.

The Mad Mimi service was discontinued by the end of August, so Rich had to move the Phaser World newsletter to another provider. He ended up choosing Hashnode, and decided to write everything himself again, so my journey of preparing the newsletter’s contents ended in September.

Phaser World newsletter

Quick hardware upgrade: Ewa got new iPhone 16 Pro (switched from Android) and Kasia got a new HP laptop to learn programming as after wrapping Minecraft Education (which we had on Mac) her online class is moving to Kodu Game Lab, which is Windows-only.

Plans for the next month

Sending js13kGames 2024 digital prizes, printing t-shirts, shipping them together with swag, writing all the remaining blog posts. Then flying to San Francisco for the upcoming GitHub Universe conference and GitHub Stars gathering.

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