DEV Community

Cleopatra E.
Cleopatra E.

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Building a personal portfolio | progress so far

I have commenced coding my personal portfolio. Finally \o/. This is a project I have been planning on doing for a long time. I'm lucky to be able to do this while participating in the DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

Progress so far

Following up on yesterday's update, here is what has happened so far:

  • I have received 50$ credit on Digital Ocean. Yay!
  • I have begun coding the website. I'm more of a designer than a developer. I am spending way too much time obsessing about the layout and design, rather than doing the actual coding. Good thing I like working with CSS. I definitely will be showing off some fancy hover effects!
  • I have read some documentation on how the App Platform works. I'll be ready to deploy my code anytime soon.

Next steps

  • Finalize the design and fix some bugs with the code: For some reason, some parts of my code suddenly stopped working. I can't seem to figure out why.
  • Write some tutorials: I will be publishing some articles here that explain how I achieved some of the effects/designs in my portfolio. I hope people will value such content.

Link to my portfolio coming soon! Stay tuned :)

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