DEV Community

Fadhil ⚡
Fadhil ⚡

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I'm going to start from scratch...

It's been 3 years, I've been a developer since, I learned a lot, built a lot, met lots of nice people through internet, I had good times.

but after this much time, I'm such a noob when it comes to programming & problem solving. I use Javascript as my primary weapon, but still still don't know its language features.

most of you will be thinking its dumb to feel like this, yeah i know, but look at yourself, many of you don't know core concepts of programming as a guy who started with Javascript/python I can relate, I skipped important things. I still don't know nothing much about programming in general. Because of that I never solved anything complex, I usually sticks with the easy things.

I need to change that.

Not going to quit this field, just because of my stupid thought, I'm going to start from scratch. I'm going to learn from basics. I think this is for the best.

Let me know what you guys think. Feel free to shout I'm dumb (I know, I am)

Have a good day, Fadhil

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