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Ukwuani Fidelis
Ukwuani Fidelis

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Embarking on the Mobile Development Journey with HNG Internship

As I embark on this exciting journey with the HNG Internship, I want to share some insights into mobile development platforms and the common software architecture patterns used in the industry.
This post aims to provide a clear and concise overview, shedding light on the pros and cons of each architecture while sharing a bit about my background and aspirations.

Mobile Development Platforms

Mobile development has two primary platforms: Android and iOS. Each platform has its own ecosystem, development tools, and programming languages.


Open Source:
Android is based on the Linux kernel and is open source, which means it’s free to use and modify.

Large Market Share:
Android dominates the global market share, providing a larger audience for apps.

Offers extensive customization options, allowing developers to create unique user experiences.


A wide range of devices and OS versions can make app development and testing more complex.

Open source nature can make it more vulnerable to security threats.



Unified Ecosystem:
iOS operates on a limited range of devices, simplifying development and testing.

Revenue Generation:
iOS users are generally more willing to pay for apps, resulting in higher revenue potential.

Closed ecosystem and stringent App Store review process ensure better security.


Apple’s development tools and devices can be expensive.

Strict Guidelines:
Apple’s strict guidelines can make app approval challenging.

Common Software Architecture Patterns

When developing mobile applications, choosing the right architecture is crucial for maintainability, scalability, and performance. Here are some common software architecture patterns used in mobile development:

Model-View-Controller (MVC)


Separation of Concerns:
MVC separates the application logic, UI, and user input, making the app more modular and easier to manage.

Components can be reused across different parts of the app.


Can become complex and harder to manage as the application grows.

Requires more boilerplate code, leading to potential overhead.

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)


ViewModels can be tested independently of the UI, improving testability.

Data Binding:
Supports data binding, which reduces boilerplate code and improves UI updates.


Learning Curve:
Can be more difficult to learn and implement compared to MVC.

The introduction of ViewModels can add some overhead to the app.

Clean Architecture


Promotes a clear separation of concerns, making the app easier to maintain and scale.

Highly testable due to the decoupling of components.


Can be complex to implement, especially for smaller projects.

Learning Curve:
Requires a good understanding of SOLID principles and other design patterns.

My Journey with HNG Internship

Joining the HNG Internship marks the beginning of an exciting chapter in my career as a mobile developer. The HNG Internship is renowned for its rigorous and immersive learning experience, and I am thrilled to be part of it. This program offers an excellent platform to hone my skills, work on real-world projects, and collaborate with industry professionals.

I chose to participate in the HNG Internship because I believe it will provide me with the practical experience and mentorship needed to excel in the field of mobile development. The opportunity to learn from experienced developers, receive constructive feedback, and work on cutting-edge projects is invaluable.

The HNG Internship is more than just a learning experience; it is a community of like-minded individuals passionate about technology and innovation. By participating in this internship, I hope to contribute to meaningful projects, expand my professional network, and grow as a developer.

If you’re interested in learning more about the HNG Internship, I encourage you to visit their official website and explore the various opportunities they offer. Additionally, if you’re looking to hire talented developers or premium services, check out HNG Hire and HNG Premium.


Mobile development is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, and understanding the various platforms and architecture patterns is crucial for success. As I embark on this journey with the HNG Internship, I am excited to learn, grow, and contribute to the world of mobile development. Stay tuned for more updates on my progress and experiences.

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