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Illustrated examples in code

We can use analogies in code to highlight the mechanisms behind these concepts. Here’s how each one could be represented:

  1. Silence (Avoidance or Ignoring Issues)

In code, “silence” can be represented by deliberately ignoring or suppressing errors, warnings, or conditions that should trigger action. For example, in a system where discrimination occurs, silence could be akin to a software system not logging important warnings or issues, allowing harmful conditions to persist unnoticed.

Example: Ignoring exceptions (Python)

def handle_request(request):
except ValueError: # Suppressing ValueError instead of handling it
pass # Silence: Error is ignored, no log, no action taken

The system ignores the problem and doesn't address the issue that caused the error.

Explanation: Here, a problem occurs (e.g., discrimination in the form of a ValueError), but instead of logging it, raising it, or fixing it, the system deliberately “silences” the issue.

  1. Elitism (Gatekeeping Access)

Elitism can be represented by code structures that only grant access or privileges to certain “high-status” users or entities, effectively gatekeeping resources. In terms of diversity and inclusion, this would be analogous to a system that excludes users from underprivileged backgrounds or limits their access to resources.

Example: Role-based access (JavaScript)

function accessResource(user) {
if (user.role === "admin" || user.role === "premium") {
return "Access Granted";
} else {
return "Access Denied"; // Gatekeeping based on status

Explanation: In this example, only users with specific roles (e.g., “admin” or “premium”) have access, which mirrors elitist practices that restrict opportunities or resources to privileged groups. Those without the required “status” are excluded, similar to how elitism can deny access based on certain backgrounds.

  1. Disassociation (Opting Out as Protest)

Disassociation can be represented by a system where certain users or components deliberately disconnect or remove themselves from participation due to unfair conditions. In software, this could look like a node in a network leaving a distributed system or a user refusing to engage with a service.

Example: Opting out of a network (Python)

class User:
def init(self, name, membership_status): = name
self.membership_status = membership_status

def participate(self):
    if self.membership_status == "excluded":
        print(f"{} opts out due to exclusion")
        return False
        print(f"{} participates")
        return True
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A user who feels excluded disassociates from the system.

user1 = User("Alex", "excluded")
user1.participate() # Output: Alex opts out due to exclusion

Explanation: Here, the user Alex opts out of participation because they feel excluded, representing the act of disassociation as protest. This mirrors how disassociation can be a response to unjust or hostile environments, leading to self-exclusion.

  1. Combination: Silence, Elitism, and Disassociation Interacting

These issues often interact in complex ways, such as when elitism leads to disassociation, and silence perpetuates the exclusion. Here’s an example combining all three dynamics in code.

Example: A gated system where issues are ignored and users disassociate (JavaScript/Python hybrid)

class System {
constructor() {
this.logs = [];

handleRequest(user) {
    if (user.role === "admin") {
        this.logs.push("Admin request processed");
        return "Access Granted";
    } else if (user.role === "premium") {
        this.logs.push("Premium request processed");
        return "Access Granted";
    } else {
        this.logs.push("Non-premium user denied");
        // Silence the warning - don't notify or report it
        return "Access Denied";

// Ignoring logs from non-admin users (silencing the issues)
showLogs() {
    return this.logs.filter(log => log.includes("Admin"));
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class User {
constructor(name, role) { = name;
this.role = role;

participate(system) {
    let result = system.handleRequest(this);
    if (result === "Access Denied") {
        console.log(`${} opts out due to elitism`);
    } else {
        console.log(`${} continues to engage`);
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// System ignoring some users and only allowing elite roles
let system = new System();
let user1 = new User("Alex", "regular");
let user2 = new User("Jamie", "premium");
let user3 = new User("Taylor", "admin");

// Elitism and Silence combined: logs are filtered and regular users are ignored.
user1.participate(system); // Output: Alex opts out due to elitism
user2.participate(system); // Output: Jamie continues to engage
user3.participate(system); // Output: Taylor continues to engage

console.log(system.showLogs()); // Only admin-related logs shown (silencing others)


1.  Elitism: Only users with “admin” or “premium” roles get access to resources, excluding regular users.
2.  Silence: The system ignores and suppresses logs or issues raised by regular users.
3.  Disassociation: The user who feels excluded opts out of participation, representing a form of protest.
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By representing these institutional and societal problems in code, we can see how the mechanisms of silence, elitism, and disassociation might manifest in a technological context. These issues—whether in code or in places of work or study can create structures that maintain exclusion and prevent equitable access, reinforcing the importance of addressing them both in human and machine systems.

This is an important area of research and due diligence, particularly from the systemic angle!

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