Recently, i started working on a personal project where i want to build an application which is cloud agnostic - i.e. it can be deployed on any cloud provider with minimal/no code changes. Primary requirement is to separate business logic with cloud provider specific logic.
In this post, i want to share the approach which was followed.
- Create an interface which has abstract methods for performing operations in the cloud.
- Create cloud provider specific classes which are subclasses of this interface and provide implemenation for the abstract methods.
- Create a separate class/method which will return the cloud provider implementation based on some condition. Factory Pattern
- The calling class will use the object from the above class/method and call its methods.
Below code uses python
Interface with abstract methods
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class IObjectStorage(ABC):
def upload_object_to_bucket(self, file_name, file_content):
_raise an error that method is not implemented_
Create cloud provider specific implementation
class AWSObjectStorageConnector(IObjectStorage):
def __init__(self, bucket_name):
_Initialize a s3 client using boto3 and initialize a variable using bucket name_
def upload_object_to_bucket(self, file_name, file_content):
_Implement the logic to upload the file to AWS S3 bucket_
Create a method to get the specifc cloud provider implementation class object - Factory method
This method takes a cloud provider variable which will be passed from the calling method
def get_object_storage(cloud_provider, bucket_name) -> IObjectStorage:
if cloud_provider == 'aws':
return AWSObjectStorageConnector(bucket_name=bucket_name)
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported cloud provider: {cloud_provider}')
Call the factory method to get an instance of the object
cloud_provider variable will be read from an environment variable passed as input. This ensures that the same logic works fine with different cloud providers.
object_storage_connector = get_object_storage(cloud_provider=provider, bucket_name=bucket_name)
Please feel free to comment with any suggestions or feedback.
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