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Rate my resume out of 10.

Hi, I am sick of googling "online resume builder". So I decided to make it from scratch. I ended up with some basic resume which looks same and exact to others. I wanted something unique.
I recently learned figma almost 2 months ago to speed up my web development projects. So i also decided to use it for making resume.
It's my first try on making resume. I want the help of community to rate this design so i can know what can be improved in this.

Alt Text

Also if you want the same design for yourself for free, plz tell me in the comments.
For those who are wondering why would I do it for free, you just need to follow me here on :)
Thank you

Top comments (42)

trueneu profile image
Pavel Gurkov

Hello Harsh!
I'm viewing this from a position of an engineer that conducted quite a bit of technical interviews. I was not involved in any hiring process in any other way (well, almost) throughout my experience.
The way it looks is nice, very clean. Well done!
I'm not such a fan of the content though. To me, it doesn't feel self-consistent.
First, you identify yourself as a full-stack webdev, but then you go on talking about design in 'About me'. In my head, full-stack is FE+BE. Well-thought design, usage patterns, UX and all that are separate disciplines from engineering. The way you're putting it, sounds like you're more a designer that can code, than an engineer that can design things.
Second - personally, and maybe your local market situation is not the same - I, and recruiters I do know, don't really care about your education. We've all seen people graduated from great universities that can't do FizzBuzz, as well as people without formal education completely killing it. Unless the position requires a very specific education (like IDK, a surgeon?), I'd prefer "education" section to be collapsed to one line: what degree, which year. Also, it belongs below "experience" section.
Third, the experience section lacks an important part: what did you do while being employed there? What impact did you have? Maybe you helped to save money, or to increase users retention, or make the funnel more effective, or sped up the loading time 2x? Without this, the "experience" section looks like one did their 9 to 5 and there's not much to talk about.
Fourth, skills. I may be nitpicking there, but no way I would include HTML and CSS under this. Like, they're formally languages, but they're not programming languages. If we follow this, then let's put YAML and Markdown on the list. Especially taking into account that you're a web developer. I think HTML/CSS knowledge is pretty implicit here.
Then, you're putting C/C++ and Python before JS. At this point, I'm completely lost. To me, an FSWD is first and foremost is a JS pro, doing JS both client and server side. What did you do with C/C++? Did you write backends in those? If so, you should mention that explicitly. Your job experience mentions only FE roles... I would assume they were both in JS. Maybe put JS on the very top?
Fifth, frameworks. In conjunction with the previous point, it seems strange you're listing only JS frameworks. At this point, I'm not sure how honest were you regarding C/C++ knowledge.
Sixth, on the "projects" section: it doesn't hurt to include the running projects links, but since you're a developer, I'd rather see the source code. Github or similar would do. Also, as a small note: the world is changing, and overall stigmatic view on cannabis seems to be slowly going away, but you have consider it nevertheless. Maybe put something less controversial on the list.

harshvats2000 profile image

This is the best review of this and I think I would be improving along this.
Thank you so much!
I will send you a personal message with my updates resume.
Thanks again :)

trueneu profile image
Pavel Gurkov

Hey Harsh,
I really hope that was useful. Don't hesitate to send me a PM. Keep in mind though, I'm not a pro in this field and all of this is just my opinion.
BTW, with the way you're reacting to this I'd put 'taking feedback' on the list of your soft skills :)

musukvl profile image
Alexey Ryazhskikh

If you need to check 100 resumes every day, you prefer have it the same format.

The left side is good, but for the right one
I suggest you to move the experience section above education. Experience section is the most important: it should contain responsibilities and other related stuff. It should represent your input into the project you worked on.

harshvats2000 profile image

For the experience part, you are right I have to put it above education and also include what i did mainly.
But I think, having a slightly different and good looking resume can make you stand out.
What do you think?

rob_regan_dev profile image

Where are you trying to get a job? (What country..) personally I would switch projects with education. Also, I would probably just get rid of 2016 88% and 2018 88%. You can use this site to see if there are any weak points!

rob_regan_dev profile image

But it looks nice! Well done!

rob_regan_dev profile image
Rob • Edited

One more, in the first part instead of I’ve been “doing” freelancing, get rid of doing. Just have it as “I’ve been freelancing...” and maybe put more about your freelancing experience in your experience section

Thread Thread
harshvats2000 profile image

Good catch! Thank you :)

harshvats2000 profile image

India :) Does the country matter?

rob_regan_dev profile image

Doesn’t matter was just curious!

melfhm profile image
Melissa Miley • Edited

Dying to add my 2 cents...
Visually, very nice.
Now that the technical advice has been given, let's clean up that English, shall we? :-)
BTW, In the US, as mentioned, a picture is just a way for people to discriminate against you (age, race, gender--it happens) so don't give them a chance.

I wanted to add some thoughts on the subject of proofreading--grammar, punctuation, etc. Some people don't notice, but the people who do will definitely hold it against you.

• In your "About Me" section, check your capitalization; is it "Full Stack" or "full stack?"
Be consistent.
• Next, remove "good" and keep "designing quality websites." It reads much better.
• "Doing" freelancing was mentioned earlier, but it bears repeating.
• In the next sentence, put a comma between "design" and "as."
• There are a few ways to clean up the next sentence, depending on what you're really trying to say. My best guess:
"I've worked with many teams of developers and have excellent verbal communication skills."
• I would also consider an exclamation point at the end of the last sentence to convey your enthusiasm, but it's definitely optional.
"Let's design something unique and appealing!"
• I know someone mentioned the "2 months" thing, but to be sure, generally a Month/Year - Month/Year is standard. However, if it makes you look like you have less experience, forget it. You may even want to get creative about it and add the dates for other projects you worked on, even if they weren't paid projects. I have also heard it advised many times that if you don't have a whole lot of work history, it's fine to play up your education and even put it first.
• Is "Frontend" one word? The ATS will not pick up Frontend if it should be Front End.
• In your description of Insta Video Downloader, remove the apostrophe so it reads "its URL." Usually, apostrophes show ownership, but English is stupid, so here, "it's" a contraction meaning "it is."
• I don't necessarily think you have to get rid of the third project if you just remove the word CBD or get more creative with the description.
Hope that helps. Now you can "Grammar & Punctuation Master" to your skills!

harshvats2000 profile image

Thank you very much Melissa :)
I really love when people write reviews about things I make! I will improve my resume but my english definitely needs to be improved after this.
Thank you again :)

stevepryde profile image
Steve Pryde

I agree with other comments regarding backend experience not being visible enough. Definitely list languages and skills in order from what you are most experienced in vs least (or perhaps in order of what you are most looking for right now).

As someone with hiring experience I would want to know how you used these skills in the past and what roles or duties you held. Not just job title (which you listed) but more importantly what kinds of things you did day to day. I want to know if you are going to fit on the team, where your skills will sit, can you jump right in to my projects or will you require further training?

The example projects section is great as it shows some of your talent. It would actually be awesome to describe how those projects were made and the skills you employed to do it.

One last point is that you spoke a lot about UI design in terms of what you prefer and what you see as ideal. However many teams already have their own UI specification and probably their own designer(s). Would you be willing to discuss designs and take direction from a more senior designer even if you disagreed with the design chosen? Are you happy to do the grunt work of just building out features or fixing bugs? Not that all of this needs to be on your resume, but with no listing of what duties you performed at previous jobs or in building your existing websites the employer has to make some guesses about whether you would be a good fit and many employers are very risk averse.

I like your passion and drive and I think I'd probably want to follow up just based on that. I'd take someone who is self driven and keen to learn over someone who ticks all the boxes but doesn't want to grow. 😉

harshvats2000 profile image

Thank you Steve :)
I also think that there should be more description about the job in the experience section.
Thanks again for your time and review, i'll send you a message with updated resume.

ironcladdev profile image
Conner Ow

Nice! I'd rate your resume 6 out of 10. The design and layout is nice, but the whole thing is monochrome. A little bit of color is what needs to be added. Also, adding a bit of style with CSS box-shadow could add a finishing touch.

harshvats2000 profile image

Thanks. I'll surely update it :)

lase profile image
Matt Laser

Hey Harsh,

Some thoughts you may find useful. I work in the US and have seen a lot of resumes / interviewed quite a few people out of India:

  • Your resume is concise. This is good. I have interviewed candidates out of India that have had 10+ pages of experience that make it very hard to get a sense of the candidate's strengths.
  • I think more detail into your projects, and elevating their priority would be helpful. The CBD website I just visited tells me 100% more about you than most of the rest of the resume
    • Additionally, I'd list where you worked on those projects (as part of a company, freelance, student, etc.)
  • Don't be overly detailed. Unless required by jobs you're looking for, I would leave off the 88%.
    • Similarly, I think start date (Month / Year) and end date (Month / Year) are sufficient when listing any timelines. I have seen many candidates from India list something like 1.4 years at Job X or 3.10 years experience in Technology Y, which indicates to me that this person is really trying to stretch or overstate limited experience.
  • As others have said, I would remove your picture, or only add it conditionally based on where you are applying. In the US there are laws around employment & discrimination based on Race / Gender / Ethnicity (it is against the law to ask about this during the hiring process). If I was an HR person I would be worried about even accepting a resume with a picture, since it opens me up to potential litigation on the basis of discrimination.
  • List your technologies in order of aptitude. I'd guess you're the best with Javascript, but it's last on your list of languages.

Lastly, as general advice, I'd say you should always tailor your resume to where you're applying. This can mean anything from rearranging bullet points to a complete refactor of the format. With this in mind, I would be careful sending this one when applying for very technical roles or "old school" companies. That said, to a more design focused role or startup, this template could be more appealing as it is. Just something to think about. 😊

harshvats2000 profile image

I can really feel it. It feels like I applied for a job under you and you are telling how can I improve this more. Best feeling 😊.
I will DM you the updated one and plz try to review that one too if you'll get any free time.

nenad_cvet profile image
Nenad Cvetković

The design is nice, but the content is not good.
Remove your real address and remove your picture.
Education can be mentioned on left side.
I don't know if it is mistake but you have only 4 months of experience (2+2).
'About me' should talk more about what job you are aiming for.
Write more about what did you actually do and accomplised on those projects. Justify the things mentioned on left side.

harshvats2000 profile image

Why should I remove picture and address?
I'll write more in experience section :)

pthacker profile image
Pratik thacker • Edited

I think your experience is that should be mentioned too..
And your About me section can be more refined..use some technical terms such as web apps,cross platform, responsive design, PWA to get through application tracking systems etc

harshvats2000 profile image

My experience is internship? I don't get it. Can you plz explain?

pthacker profile image
Pratik thacker

u have 2 months of experience, i think that is internship ?

glenbradley17 profile image
Glen Bradley

Hello Harsh, it's great I think! But also, you need to consider many things in building it, like keywords, right terms in every words, and how to be outstanding compare to others thru your resume. If you want, our company, resume professional writers, provide free resume critique, we can help you to enhance more your resume. Feel free to send your resume on our website

harshvats2000 profile image

I will :)

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