DEV Community

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Henrik Wirth

Web, App, Software, AR, Design ... I am a Developer and sometimes a little bit of everything, at


Co-Founder & Developer at NeverNull GmbH

Five Year Club
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
4 Week Writing Streak
Hacktoberfest 2019
Introducing MobileUI

Introducing MobileUI

Comments 7
5 min read

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PageBuilder with ACF Flexible Content - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

PageBuilder with ACF Flexible Content - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Comments 37
12 min read
How to handle Images and make use of gatsby-image - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

How to handle Images and make use of gatsby-image - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Comments 8
7 min read
Blog with Pagination - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Blog with Pagination - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Comments 4
7 min read
Deployment - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Deployment - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Comments 3
5 min read
Setup Menu Navigation - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Setup Menu Navigation - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Comments 4
5 min read
Basic WordPress & Gatsby Setup - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Basic WordPress & Gatsby Setup - Guide to Gatsby WordPress Starter Advanced with Previews, i18n and more

Comments 15
7 min read
Gatsby with WPGraphQL, ACF and Gatbsy-Image

Gatsby with WPGraphQL, ACF and Gatbsy-Image

Comments 29
3 min read