Git is an amazing tool that help us developers a lot to control the version of our projects, it has a lot of build in features, but we can improve it to have a better experience.
In this article, I'll share my configuration of git and a documentation about what each thing does.
const name = ""
const email = ""
const defaultBranch = "master"
const foo = () => {
if (name === "") {
throw new Error("You must fill your name")
if (email === "") {
throw new Error("You must fill your email")
# Version: 1.6.0
name = ${name}
email = ${email}
defaultBranch = ${defaultBranch}
default = current
default = current
eol = lf # Defines eol using Linux format
autocrlf = input
[url "ssh://"]
insteadOf =
# Clean
gone = "!f() { git fetch -p && git branch -vv | grep 'origin/.*: gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -D; } ; f" #
cln = prune -v --progress # Remove Branches That No Longer Exists In Repository
ignore = "!f() { git rm --cached \`git ls-files -i -c --exclude-from=.gitignore\`; } ; f" # Removes Files That Are In .gitignore From The Repository
# Clone
cn = clone # Clone Project
cnsb = "!f() { git clone -b $* $*; } ; f" # Clone specific branch from project
# Fork
updfork = git fetch upstream # Update your fork
# Remote
rls = remote -v # Return a List of All Branches In Repository
rrem = "!f() { git remote remove origin; } ; f" # Remove Origin Repository
radd = "!f() { git remote add origin $*; } ; f" # Add a Repository as Origin
ratt = "!f() { git remote remove origin && git remote add origin $*; } ; f" # Updates the Origin Repository
ups = "!f() { git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/$1 $1; } ; f" # Set Branches Upstream
# ${defaultBranch} Branch
pum = pull origin ${defaultBranch} # Pull From ${defaultBranch}
pom = push origin ${defaultBranch} -u # Push to ${defaultBranch}
# Add
a = add . # Stage All Changes
# Pull
pl = pull # Get Project From Repository
# Push
ps = "!f() { git push -f; } ; f" # Push Changes to Repository
psn = "!f() { git push -f --no-verify; } ; f" # Push Changes to Repository
psu = "!f() { git push --set-upstream; } ; f" # Create a Link Between Local Branch And Repository Branch
acips = "!f() { git a && git ci $* && git ps; } ; f" # Stage Changes, Create Commit And Push To Repository
acaps = "!f() { git a && git ca $* && git ps; } ; f" # Stage Changes, Amend Commit And Push To Repository
acipsn = "!f() { git a && git commit -m \"$*\" --no-verify && git push -f --no-verify; } ; f" # git acips With --no-verify
acapsn = "!f() { git a && git commit --amend -m \"$*\" --no-verify && git push -f --no-verify; } ; f" # Stage Changes, Amend Commit And Push To Repository
# Commit
ci = "!f() { git commit -m \"$*\"; } ; f" # Stage Changes and Create Commit
ca = "!f() { git commit --amend -m \"$*\"; } ; f" # Stage Changes and Amend Commit
author = "!f() { git commit --amend --author=\"${name} <${email}>\"; } ; f" # Change Commit Author
# Branch
b = branch # List All Local Branches
bd = "!f() { git branch -D $*; } ; f" # Delete Local Branch
bn = "!f() { git branch -m $*; } ; f" # Change Branch Name
# Checkout
ckm = "!f() { git checkout ${defaultBranch} && git pull origin ${defaultBranch}; } ; f" # Change To ${defaultBranch} Branch And Git Pull
ckd = "!f() { git checkout dev && git pull origin dev; } ; f" # Change To dev Branch And Git Pull
ckp = "!f() { git checkout $* && git pull; } ; f" # Change Branch And Git Pull
ck = "!f() { git checkout $*; } ; f" # Change Branch
cb = "!f() { git checkout -b $*; } ; f" # Create New Branch
# Rebase
rbd = "rebase dev" # Rebase Actual Branch With dev Branch
rbm = "rebase ${defaultBranch}" # Rebase Actual Branch With ${defaultBranch} Branch
rbh = "!f() { git rebase -i HEAD~$*; } ; f" # Rebase commits (Merge multiple commits in one)
rbc = "!f() { git a && git rebase --continue; } ; f" # Incase of conflict, you will have to fix it, and then, use this command to continue
rmm = "!f() { git rebase -i origin/${defaultBranch}~$* ${defaultBranch}; } ; f" # Merge all the commits of ${defaultBranch} branch
# Stash
sts = stash
sta = stash apply
std = stash drop
stl = stash list
stc = stash clear
# Merge
mg = merge --no-ff
cat = checkout --theirs . # Resolve all conflicts accepting INCOMING changes
cao = checkout --ours . # Resolve all conflicts accepting CURRENT changes
# History
sf = show --name-only
lg = log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset %C(bold)%cr%Creset %Cgreen<%an>%Creset %s' --max-count=7 # Show the 7 latest commits minified
# Diff
st = status # List Changes
su = "!f() { git status --short | grep --color -E '^(AA|UU)'; } ; f"
ss = "!f() { git status --short | grep --color -E '^(M |A |C )'; } ; f"
incoming = !(git fetch --quiet && git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(white)- %C(red)%an %C(white)- %C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %ar%Creset' ..@{u})
outgoing = !(git fetch --quiet && git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(white)- %C(red)%an %C(white)- %C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %ar%Creset' @{u}..)
# Undo
unstage = reset HEAD --
undo = checkout . # Undo Changes
rollback = reset --soft HEAD~1 # Undo last commit
# Transfer
tsf = "!f() { git show $1:$2 > $2 } ; f" # Move changes from a file to another
How to setup
- Copy the template
- Paste it on your browsers console
- Add your name and email to the variables at the beginning of the template
- Execute it
- Copy the output
- Open your
file, usually at~/.gitconfig
- I personally use VSCode, so I can run the command
code ~/.gitconfig
to open it
- I personally use VSCode, so I can run the command
- Paste the output in there and save
- Restart your terminal to apply the changes
# Version: 1.4.1
This is the version of the gitconfig file (probably it's different from the template, because I'll for sure forget do update it in here, but you get the ideia), to help you know when new things are added or things are fixed.
defaultBranch = ${defaultBranch}
This is for when you start a new git repository, you default branch is called master
, you can change it if you want.
default = current
default = current
This defines that wherever you run git pull
or git push
it understands that you want to pull/push the current branch and not some other branch.
eol = lf # Defines eol using Linux format
autocrlf = input
This part is extremely important when you are working in projects where people may use different OS. To know more about it, please here this article.
This is the beginning of the git aliases definition.
# Clean
gone = "!f() { git fetch -p && git branch -vv | grep 'origin/.*: gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -D; } ; f" #
cln = prune -v --progress # Remove Branches That No Longer Exists In Repository
ignore = "!f() { git rm --cached \`git ls-files -i -c --exclude-from=.gitignore\`; } ; f" # Removes Files That Are In .gitignore From The Repository
These are commands for cleaning your git things.
[WIP] prunes all the branches that doesn't exists in the remote repository (like GitHub).
[WIP] prunes all the branches that doesn't exists in the remote repository (like GitHub).
remove all the files that were added to .gitignore
. Ex: You commit foo.txt
and later adds it to .gitignore
, it will continue to exists and be tracked by git. To prevent it, you need to run this command.
# Checkout
ckm = "!f() { git checkout ${defaultBranch} && git pull origin ${defaultBranch}; } ; f" # Change To ${defaultBranch} Branch And Git Pull
ckd = "!f() { git checkout dev && git pull origin dev; } ; f" # Change To dev Branch And Git Pull
ckp = "!f() { git checkout $* && git pull; } ; f" # Change Branch And Git Pull
ck = "!f() { git checkout $*; } ; f" # Change Branch
cb = "!f() { git checkout -b $*; } ; f" # Create New Branch
change to the defaultBranch
and runs git pull
change to the dev
branch and runs git pull
change to the branch that you specifies and runs git pull
change to the branch that you specifies (shortcut for git checkout
creates a new branch and checkouts to it(shortcut for git checkout -b
# Rebase
rbd = "rebase dev" # Rebase Actual Branch With dev Branch
rbm = "rebase ${defaultBranch}" # Rebase Actual Branch With ${defaultBranch} Branch
rbh = "!f() { git rebase -i HEAD~$*; } ; f" # Rebase commits (Merge multiple commits in one)
rbc = "!f() { git a && git rebase --continue; } ; f" # Incase of conflict, you will have to fix it, and then, use this command to continue
rmm = "!f() { git rebase -i origin/${defaultBranch}~$* ${defaultBranch}; } ; f" # Merge all the commits of ${defaultBranch} branch
# Stash
sts = stash
sta = stash apply
std = stash drop
stl = stash list
stc = stash clear
Shortcuts to work with git stash.
# Merge
mg = merge --no-ff
cat = checkout --theirs . # Resolve all conflicts accepting INCOMING changes
cao = checkout --ours . # Resolve all conflicts accepting CURRENT changes
# History
sf = show --name-only
lg = log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset %C(bold)%cr%Creset %Cgreen<%an>%Creset %s' --max-count=7 # Show the 7 latest commits minifiedwhite)- %C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %ar%Creset' @{u}..)
Shows the commits history.
# Diff
st = status # List Changes
su = "!f() { git status --short | grep --color -E '^(AA|UU)'; } ; f"
ss = "!f() { git status --short | grep --color -E '^(M |A |C )'; } ; f"
incoming = !(git fetch --quiet && git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(white)- %C(red)%an %C(white)- %C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %ar%Creset' ..@{u})
outgoing = !(git fetch --quiet && git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %C(white)- %C(red)%an %C(white)- %C(cyan)%d%Creset %s %C(white)- %ar%Creset' @{u}..)
Shows the difference between a branch and another.
# Undo
unstage = reset HEAD --
undo = checkout . # Undo Changes
rollback = reset --soft HEAD~1 # Undo last commit
Undo your changes.
# Transfer
tsf = "!f() { git show $1:$2 > $2 } ; f" # Move changes from a file to another
Kinda complicate, but very useful in some cases.
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