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Cover image for Day 02 - 100DayOfCode Challenge
Nitin Joshi
Nitin Joshi

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Day 02 - 100DayOfCode Challenge

Hey folks, πŸ‘‹ it's me again! I'm back with another post of the #100daysofcode challenge.

So, after completing 2 weeks of writing code and building stuff I was feeling bored and decided to write this post as to let you know what is happening behind-the-scenes on how I keep myself motivated every day in order to keep myself busy while being in this endless journey πŸ™‚

So to get some coding momentum going, I’m super excited to share some of the articles that I have been reading recently. This is the stuff that I believe will help you in your coding journey πŸ’ͺ

Article 1 is about: 19 JavaScript Questions Asked by Most Interviewers, so you can ace your next JS interview 😎
So here we go,

  1. What is Object and How to create it?
  2. What is a Scope and How Many are There?
  3. What Do You Mean by "this"?
  4. What is Anonymous Function?
  5. What Do You Know About BOM?
  6. What is DOM and its Usage?
  7. How To Return a Character From a Specific Index?
  8. Difference between "==" and "===" ?
  9. What are the Different Data Types in JS?
  10. What is Prototype Property?
  11. What is Closure?
  12. How to Write β€œHello World” in JavaScript?
  13. How Can You Use an External JS file?
  14. Asynchronous Programming and Its Importance
  15. Usage of Window Object
  16. How different is client-side JavaScript from Server side?
  17. Why Debugging is Required in JavaScript?
  18. What is function hoisting?
  19. Naming Conventions for Variables in JavaScript

Article 2 is about: React Developer Roadmap 2025 😳🀯

I know what you're thinking: it's the end of the year 2022, and fellow developers have started talking about 2025. We're living in a visionary time. So let's use it to make the world a better place. It doesn't matter, just follow the vibes. πŸ”₯

But the way, I have recently started tinkering with react, so what would be best if I start reading articles πŸ”—and watching videosπŸŽ₯
Don't forget to DM me and I will share the other resources as well. πŸ”—

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I hope you find this video useful and informative as I talk about 19 JavaScript questions and React Developer Roadmap 2025. Please let me know how it went and if there is anything else you'd like to know about JavaScript! πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

I love the fact that you enjoyed the last post, thank you for your support, truly grateful. πŸ™Œ


100daysofcoding #100daysofcodechallenge #javascript #react #day02 #highnitin

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