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Iano Njuguna

Focused on the journey, unphased by the destination

Answer: How do I create a new class in IntelliJ without using the mouse?

Answer: How do I create a new class in IntelliJ without using the mouse?

1 min read

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Answer: Undo local changes in Git

Answer: Undo local changes in Git

Comments 1
1 min read
What is the difference between .js and .mjs files?

What is the difference between .js and .mjs files?

1 min read
Powershell profile.ps1 cannot be loaded because its operation is blocked by software restriction policies

Powershell profile.ps1 cannot be loaded because its operation is blocked by software restriction policies

1 min read
What is set mouse = a for in nvim?

What is set mouse = a for in nvim?

1 min read
Grepper code extension not showing suggestions and add answer option

Grepper code extension not showing suggestions and add answer option

1 min read
Answer: How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely?

Answer: How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely?

1 min read
Answer: How to install valgrind properly?

Answer: How to install valgrind properly?

1 min read
Answer: Why is it recommended to add sqlite database to gitignore?

Answer: Why is it recommended to add sqlite database to gitignore?

1 min read
Answer: 'virtualenv' won't activate on Windows

Answer: 'virtualenv' won't activate on Windows

1 min read
Answer: How to check Django version

Answer: How to check Django version

1 min read
Answer: Create a new branch

Answer: Create a new branch

1 min read
Answer: Display link url in markdown

Answer: Display link url in markdown

1 min read
Answer: What is the difference between exit(0) and exit(1) in C?

Answer: What is the difference between exit(0) and exit(1) in C?

1 min read
Answer: Use of exit() function

Answer: Use of exit() function

1 min read
Answer: pygame.time.clock() or pygame.clock.tick() error

Answer: pygame.time.clock() or pygame.clock.tick() error

1 min read
How to return nothing in Python?

How to return nothing in Python?

1 min read
How to automatically write html structure in VS Code

How to automatically write html structure in VS Code

1 min read
When is semicolon use in Python considered "good" or "acceptable"?

When is semicolon use in Python considered "good" or "acceptable"?

Comments 2
1 min read
Why is the semicolon allowed in this Python snippet?

Why is the semicolon allowed in this Python snippet?

1 min read
Two Recommendations for Code Newbies

Two Recommendations for Code Newbies

2 min read
Learn to Learn

Learn to Learn

3 min read
Set Up your GitHub Commit Signature

Set Up your GitHub Commit Signature

Comments 2
2 min read
Kali Linux on Android Devices

Kali Linux on Android Devices

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3 min read