Tip 1: Use skaffold
to test your code quickly
Want to quickly test your Kubernetes service in a cluster, but donโt have the CI/CD set up or don't want to wait for pipelines to deploy your code? I use skaffold
when developing locally while deploying to a cluster. It's easy to use in just a few steps!
1. Install skaffold
Get it from here.
2. Create a skaffold.yaml
I use something called profiles
for testing, integration and production environments. Well maybe not production. That should always be CI/CD and maybe even a manual push (up for debate). Here is an example skaffold file with helm. You donโt have to use helm in order to use skaffold:
apiVersion: skaffold/v2beta6
kind: Config
- name: test
- command: test
- image: <namespace>/<cluster>/rulesdecision
- name: rulesdecision
chartPath: chart/rulesdecision
repository: <namespace>/<cluster>/rulesdecision
namespace: test
3. Run skaffold -p deploy
Thatโs it! Skaffold will automatically create a new image, load it to your repository and deploy the build on the cluster. It then refreshes the deployment with a new image when you make changes and save. The whole process is like deploying locally, but you are deploying to a cluster. How cool is that! Big caveat is that the deployment artifact will be removed when you quit the skaffold
Tip 2: Give your Discord bot a voice
This week I was able to configure a bot with a voice channel on a Discord server.
You start by installing discord.js
with npm
npm install discord.js @discordjs/opus
The next step is to create an index.js
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
const Token = "<YOUR-BOT-TOKEN>";
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
client.on('message', async message => {
// Join the same voice channel of the author of the message
if (message.member.voice.channel) {
const connection = await message.member.voice.channel.join();
if (message.content === 'ping') {
const dispatcher = connection.play('https://cdn.glitch.com/60a14f49-0846-4bad-b84a-e5f018c2130d%2Fmsn_alert.mp3?1506640405402');
// you can change the volume like this:
// connection.play('https://...', { volume: 0.1 });
dispatcher.on('start', () => {
console.log('audio is now playing!');
.catch(err => {
console.log('error:', err);
// Always remember to handle errors appropriately!
//Leave voice channel
And after creating this file simply type:
node index.js
Now just join a Discord voice channel and write ping
in one of the text channels and your bot will play a nice welcome tune.
If you want to learn more about bots on Discord see my blog and watch the webinar recording
Tip 3: New IBM DataStage blogs and labs
This week and last I've had to dig into the product "IBM DataStage" for a workshop with a client. I used to depend on existing material and a VM based image to get an environment up and running. I decided to learn how to install the product myself and create some supplemental material.
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