I have an error when I want to save to the redux state.
A non-serializable value was detected in action, in the path: payload. picture. Value: FileList {0: File, length: 1}
Take a look at the logic that dispatched this action: {type: 'books/addToListOfBooks', payload: {…}}
{...register('picture', {
validate: {
lessThan10MB: (files) =>
files[0]?.size < 1024 * 1024 || 'Max 1MB',
acceptedFormats: (files) => {
const pictureType = files[0]?.name
return (
['jpeg', 'png', 'gif'].includes(pictureType) ||
'Only PNG, JPEG e GIF'
Top comments (4)
Well, a FileList isn't serializable. And redux state should only contain serializable data. That's what the warning is telling you. (Incidentally, the message itself shows why: It can't even properly serialize it for output on the console!)
This is something for stack overflow
Are you severely bothered or can we move on with our lives with this post being in here? 😊
Yes it is the quality I am missing here at dev.to.
Use the right tool for the job and dont spam around everywhere.