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Kiran Parajuli for JankariTech

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E2E Testing with Cypress -03 - Configure Cypress

Configure Cypress

When a project is added to Cypress, a cypress.json file is created in the project. This file is used to store the projectId (after configuring your tests to record) and any configuration values you supply.

Change Configuration File

You can change the configuration file or turn off the use of a configuration file by using the --config-file flag.


The default behavior of Cypress can be modified by supplying any of the following configuration options.

  • Global

    baseUrl null URL used as prefix for cy.visit() or cy.request() command.
    env {} Any values to be set as environment variables
    retries {“runMode”: 0, “openMode: 0} The number of times to retry a failing test. See Test Retries for more information.
    defaultCommandTimeout 4000 Time, in milliseconds, to wait until most DOM based commands are considered timed out.
  • Timeouts

    defaultCommandTimeout 4000 Time, in milliseconds, to wait until most DOM based commands are considered timed out.
    pageLoadTimeout 6000 Time, in milliseconds, to wait for page transition events or cy.visit(), cy.go(), cy.reload() commands to fire their page load events.
    requestTimeout 5000 Time, in milliseconds to wait for an XHR request to go out in a cy.wait() command
  • Folders / Files

    testFiles **/*. A String or Array of glob patterns of the test files to load
    ignoreTestFiles *.hot-update.js A String or Array of glob patterns used to ignore test files that would otherwise be shown in your list of tests.
    screenshotsFolder cypress/screenshot Path to folder where screenshots will be saved from cy.screenshot() command or after a test fails during cypress run
  • Browser

    chromeWebSecurity true Whether to enable Chromium-based browser’s Web Security for same-origin policy and insecure mixed content.
    blockHosts null A String or Array of hosts that you wish to block traffic for.
    viewportHeight 660 Default height in pixels for the application under tests’ viewport (Override with cy.viewport() command)
    viewportWidth 1000 Default width in pixels for the application under tests’ viewport. (Override with cy.viewport() command)
    animationDistanceThreshold 5 The distance in pixels an element must exceed over time to be considered animating
    waitForAnimations true Whether to wait for elements to finish animating before executing commands

Overriding Options

Cypress gives you the option to dynamically alter configuration values. This is helpful when running Cypress in multiple environments and on multiple developer machines. This gives you the option to do things like override the baseUrl or environment variables.

Command Line

When running Cypress from the Command Line you can pass a --config flag.


cypress open --config pageLoadTimeout=30000,baseUrl=
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
cypress run --config integrationFolder=tests,videoUploadOnPasses=false
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
cypress run --browser firefox --config viewportWidth=1280,viewportHeight=720
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Environment Variables

You can also use environment variables to override configuration values. This is especially useful in Continuous Integration or when working locally. This gives you the ability to change configuration options without modifying any code or build scripts.

By default, any environment variable that matches a corresponding configuration key will override the configuration file (cypress.json ) by a default value.


# Both options below are valid
export CYPRESS_pageLoadTimeout=100000
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now, Cypress will strip off the CYPRESS_, camel-case any keys and automatically convert values into Number or Boolean. Make sure to prefix your environment variables with CYPRESS_ else they will be ignored.


You can also override configuration values within your test using Cypress.config().

Configuration set using Cypress.config is only in scope for the current spec file.

Cypress.config('pageLoadTimeout', 10000) // set value
Cypress.config('pageLoadTimeout') // => 100000 (get value)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Run in CI

You can easily integrate Cypress with your current CI provider. According to the official documentation, Cypress works with any CI Provider.


  • Optimize tests

    • See detailed insights into the performance of individual tests and specs to identify potential bottlenecks
    • Automatic load balancing and parallelization ensure tests run as fast as possible
  • Maximize efficiency with parallelization

Split your tests across multiple CI machines and drastically reduce your run times

Parallelization in Cypress

Slack Integration

The Cypress Slack application provides real-time results for your Cypress tests, all in one place—improving remote collaboration and giving wider visibility into test behavior.

  • Improve cross-team collaboration by instantly surfacing Cypress results to the teams that need visibility
  • Confirm that key tests pass prior to launching new products or features
  • Reduce the time it takes to catch failed tests

Cypress Slack Integration!

Github Integration

Cypress Dashboard tightly integrates your Cypress test runs with your GitHub workflow via commit status checks and pull-request comments.

Merge Confidently with Status Checks

Cypress Dashboard will report the status of test runs as GitHub commit status checks for every run group or every spec file in your test-suite so that you can prevent PR merges until all your tests pass.

Test Results in Your Workflow via Pull-Request Comments

Detailed test run information conveniently posted as PR comments that include tests run statistics, specific test failures, related screenshots and deep links to the Cypress Dashboard to help you quickly resolve problems.

GitHub Integration

What's Next?

These are some helpful strategies to configure Cypress. Hope you liked it. If you've any questions please do comment. We'll see you in the next part of the series with Gherkin Preprocessor in Cypress. Till then, have fun coding! 🕊 🙌

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