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Cover image for DEV Computer Science Challenge
Chris Jarvis
Chris Jarvis

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DEV Computer Science Challenge

This is a submission for DEV Computer Science Challenge v24.06.12: One Byte Explainer.


Git is versioning control software that lets developers save a version of their code or share code and collaborate with others. A sort of time travel to go back and recover previous work. Git allows devs to recover saved work and return to coding.

Additional Context

Header Image is why you need to use git.

Top comments (8)

ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown

Agree with @matin_mollapur and @komsenapati about the great explainer and humorous and accurate header image... just need to add:

Under the mask is also the same rebel!
The villain in your hero story of software development is your past self!
Search your git blame. You know it to be true.

yowise profile image

That's a great explanation! So straightforward :)

thaisavieira profile image
ThaΓ­sa Vieira

That's an amazing explanation, simple and hilarious. Congrats, Chris!

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Thank you!

syedmuhammadaliraza profile image
Syed Muhammad Ali Raza


komsenapati profile image
Kom Senapati

Well explained.
The context is funny.

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

Thank you!

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