While I solving PWC #080 with haskell, I realised that there are simpler way to solve with Raku as well.
I could solve task #1 with Data.Set in standard haskell module.
and I'm barely remember there is a Set and SetHash in Raku during reading Review of PWC #076
code below is my solution of task #1 in haskell
Task #1
{- tested with:
runhaskell ch-1.hs 5 -2 2 0
smallestPostiveNumber ints = -- result "1" with empty list
(head.dropWhile (isJust.((flip Set.lookupIndex) (Set.fromList ints)))) [1..]
and my previous raku solution can be even shorter :-]
I believe that "∞" is actually 4bytes but "∌" is little shorter than "(cont).not"
and while I'm solving task #2 in haskell
I realise that I don't need to compare in both way..
need just one direction!
Task #2
countCandies [] = 0
countCandies ranks = defaultCandies + extraCandies
leftGroup = init ranks
rightGroup = tail ranks
defaultCandies = length ranks
extraCandies =
sum $ zipWith (\l r -> if l /= r then 1 else 0) leftGroup rightGroup
The original code I wrote is something like
extraCandies1 =
sum ( zipWith (\l r -> if l < r then 1 else 0) leftGroup rightGroup )
extraCandies2 =
sum ( zipWith (\l r -> if l > r then 1 else 0) leftGroup rightGroup )
and then.. I thought "what was that? isn't is just "/="? (/= is same as "!=" in Perl/Raku)
which means I could shorten the code in raku as well!
sub MAIN{(|@_,|(|@_.rotor(2=>-1).grep({[!=] $_}))).elems.say}
but my wife didn't understand why I'm smiling now.
p.s) I hope I could use "raku" in CodeBlock one day. (I'm using "perl" now)
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