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Cover image for CodePen Designs - 44 : Newton's Light Bulbs πŸ’‘πŸ˜Ž
Jon Snow
Jon Snow

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CodePen Designs - 44 : Newton's Light Bulbs πŸ’‘πŸ˜Ž

We are excited to introduce our new series that will explore the best design ideas from the Codepen community.

We will be publishing these each day and hope you find them insightful and inspiring as we showcase some of the most talented designers in this space.

Video Tutorial

Don't miss the amazing video we've embedded in this post! Click the play button to be inspired

Codepen Design - 44

Saw an animation of a Newton's cradle made of light bulbs so figured I'd try create my own with GreenSock πŸ‘

EASTER EGG πŸ₯š: Type numbers to update the hue of the bulbs!


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  1. Check my GitHub profile

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  5. Check my project

Video Tutorial

Don't miss the amazing video we've embedded in this post! Click the play button to be inspired

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