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What next for me ?

What next...?

After years moving around, working in academia and IT industry. Like everyone at some point in their career, share this question in a perspective of growth and changes: “What next?”

Data Science?

Inevitably, Data science has always been on my radar, persistently haunting me… I have worked on data science projects in the past, wearing the hat of a project manager. I have been captivated by the discussions within the teams and fascinated by the questions we were attempting to answer. It seems like a fun and highly creative field, so why not give it a try ?

Opportunities ?

It’s universally acknowledged that we are living in the data era, with millions of terabytes of data generated daily. The data market is estimated to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Therefore, the opportunities are vast and are present in various domains. The creativity and innovations have surprised many in terms of what can be archived with data. The demand for Data scientist is at an all-time high.

The vision !

Becoming a Data Scientist Project Manager, contributing technically and leading a successful data related project that will shape the future and benefit everyone.

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