Credit to @amtzespinosa for the idea.
During 2024, I will try out a new programming language monthly, one that I have never used before. I'll record some of what I learn here, and you can find all of the programs I make in the Github repo.
I chose the languages using this Python script:
import random
languages = ["8th", "AWK", "COBOL", "Common Lisp", "Crystal", "D", "Dart", "Delphi Pascal", "Elixir", "Elm", "Emacs Lisp", "Erlang", "F#", "Fortran", "Gleam", "Go", "Groovy", "JavaScript", "jq", "LFE", "Lua", "MIPS Assembly", "Nim", "Objective-C", "OCaml", "Perl", "PHP", "PL/SQL", "Prolog", "PureScript", "Racket", "ReasonML", "Red", "Ruby", "Rust", "Scala", "Scheme", "Standard ML", "Swift", "Tcl", "TypeScript", "Unison", "V", "Vim script", "Visual Basic", "Web Assembly", "Wren", "x86-64 Assembly", "Zig"]
print('\n'.join(random.sample(languages, 8)))
The list of languages contains every language on Exercism, excluding ones that I've used before, web languages, or ones that I can't download for some reason.
The output I got was:
x86-64 Assembly
Emacs Lisp
So those are the languages I'm going to play with! Quite a cool selection. I've heard of some of them, but never used most, so it should be fun!
My goal is to make some simple programs with all of them, and keep working with the ones I like.
Here's the Github repo.
What are you doing in the new year?
Top comments (6)
Nice challenge! Good luck!
I like this challenge.
I want to get better at painting miniature figures, so my goal is to simply paint more this year 😅
That's an awesome goal! 😀
Great resolution! Keep it up! 🚀
Niiiice, have fun!
And, as I can see, February is the month of COBOL!
It is :)