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9/365 Days | ¥10M Japan Job Challenge

Eliminate unknown stress and enhance concentration

Project Progress

  • Improved prompt for ChatGPT(My GPTs) / Claude(Projects) / Felo Chat(Chatbot) and use Git repositories for version control to support continuous improvement

Learning Progress

  • 1/40 Grokking the Modern System Design Interview (
  • 1/35 Algorithms and Data Structures for Beginners (Neetcode)

Self Reflection

Because I handled work tasks in advance yesterday, I know this will only allow me to leave work on time. However, that’s not the only goal. The main purpose is to eliminate unknown stress, which allows me to focus better during other times without lingering concerns.

Time itself cannot be managed; the hardest thing in this world is managing concentration.

So moving forward, I will use tools to enhance productivity; otherwise, I won't be able to focus on what I really want to do. The tools I develop will also be geared toward this purpose.

For example:
I plan to input English to automatically generate the corresponding Japanese descriptions for daily reports. However, since I have personal learning goals, I'll first try typing in Japanese intuitively and have the AI correct it and provide suggestions.

This way, I can maintain both high work efficiency and learning effectiveness.

Add the following prompt functions:

  • Daily Report Task Generation Translation
  • Specialized Assistant for Code Review and Suggested Modifications
  • Business Language Translation for Work-Related Conversations with Colleagues

Although these prompts are already written, I’ve noticed issues with AI hallucinations.Therefore, it’s necessary to further refine and provide more detailed prompts.

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