That will be a short article.
To become a good Python Freelance dev, I'm searching to interview some CTOs or founders of companies in the AI or Data Science domains.
For example, I ask them:
- to talk about their activity and job,
- what are their expectations when they work with a freelance dev,
- talk about good and bad experiences with a freelance dev,
- the quality and skills they think are essential for a freelance dev.
It's very interesting to share a moment with these persons who take some of their time to answer me and help me in my journey to become a great Python Dev in AI domains.
This habit will be certainly a game changer in my progression and I think we should do it sometime in our career.
And you, how do try to be better?
Top comments (1)
Hope you get answers!
If you don't, I would suggest to engage with authors you like that write on those topics:
Where to find them?
Hint: you could pin this article to your blog at
by clicking on
in the "Edit / Manage / Stats" controls above the title.So if they visit your page, you have your marketing funnel ah ah