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SOLID : Open closed principle, explain simply

Open closed principle defines like that

Software elements (classes, modules, function...) should be open for extension, but closed for modification

😦? ← if you react like this now, keep reading this articleπŸ‘

πŸ‘Ž Bad code

This is super small application that you can find how to say "Good morning" in each country

class Country {
  name: string
  constructor(name: string) { = name

const greetingList = (countries: Country[]) => {
  countries.forEach(country => {
    switch ( {
      case 'poland':
        console.log('dzien dobry')
      case 'japan':
      case 'usa':
        console.log('good morning')
        console.log('* no data *')

const countries: Country[] = [
  new Country('poland'),
  new Country('japan'),
  new Country('usa')

// dzien dobry
// ohayo
// good morning

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πŸ˜… How could be bad code ??

well, if you want to add "spain" now, you would modify code like this

const greetingList = (countries: Country[]) => {
  countries.forEach(country => {
    switch ( {
      case 'poland':
        console.log('dzien dobry')
      case 'japan':
      case 'usa':
        console.log('good morning')
      // πŸ‘‡ add this code "spain", this is key code!
      case 'spain':
        console.log('buenos dias')
        console.log('* no data *')

const countries: Country[] = [
  new Country('poland'),
  new Country('japan'),
  new Country('usa')
  // πŸ‘‡ add this code "spain"
  new Country('spain')
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This is exactly anti open-closed principle because greetingList() should be closed, we don't want it to be open.
In other words, we shouldn't modify greetingList() when we add/extension
Someone even makes some mistake while modifying code.

πŸ‘ Good code

So how we write code ??

// create interface
interface ICountry{
  greeting(): string

// create each country class
class Poland implements ICountry {
  greeting = () => 'dzien dobry'

class Japan implements ICountry {
  greeting = () => 'ohayo'

class Usa implements ICountry {
  greeting = () => 'good morning'

const greetingList = (countries: ICountry[]) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {

const countries: ICountry[] = [
  new Poland(),
  new Japan(),
  new Usa()

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Important part of good code is creating each country class which depends on ICountry interface.
Then when you add "spain", just like that ↓

// create interface
interface ICountry{
  greeting(): string

// create each country class
class Poland implements ICountry {
  greeting = () => 'dzien dobry'

class Japan implements ICountry {
  greeting = () => 'ohayo'

class Usa implements ICountry {
  greeting = () => 'good morning'

// πŸ‘‡ add just "Spain class"
class Spain implements ICountry {
  greeting = () => 'Buenos dias'

// ⭐ Don't need to modify this function! 
// ⭐ It means greetingList is closed, but for extension, it is opened
const greetingList = (countries: ICountry[]) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {

const countries: ICountry[] = [
  new Poland(),
  new Japan(),
  new Usa(),
  new Spain()

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Now as you see, just add Spain class. You don't need to modify greetingList(), so you might not make some mistake when you add country πŸ‘

(Add) πŸ’Ž React.js

I even tweeted
He wrote it as clean code, but it also resolve opened principle problem 😎

Some people says open-closed principle is a bit exaggerated, because it makes code more complicate than bad code.
Actually I think so too, and it depends on situation.

But I'm sure it's important that you know this knowledge aside from whether you will use it or not.
And I highly recommend you to implement some code by yourself


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