In this article I will be documenting the solutions for codewars challenge questions that I am able to solve:
1.Your task is to sum the differences between consecutive pairs in the array in descending order.
For example:
[2, 1, 10] -> 9
In descending order: [10, 2, 1]
Sum: (10 - 2) + (2 - 1) = 8 + 1 = 9
If the array is empty or the array has only one element the result should be 0 ( Nothing in Haskell ).
My solution:
function sumOfDifferences(arr) {
arr.sort(function(a, b){return b - a});
let diff = 0
for(let i=0;i<=arr.length - 2;i++){
diff = diff + (arr[i] - arr[i + 1])
return diff
2.A square of squares
You like building blocks. You especially like building blocks that are squares. And what you even like more, is to arrange them into a square of square building blocks!
However, sometimes, you can't arrange them into a square. Instead, you end up with an ordinary rectangle! Those blasted things! If you just had a way to know, whether you're currently working in vain… Wait! That's it! You just have to check if your number of building blocks is a perfect square.
Given an integral number, determine if it's a square number:
In mathematics, a square number or perfect square is an integer that is the square of an integer; in other words, it is the product of some integer with itself.
The tests will always use some integral number, so don't worry about that in dynamic typed languages.
-1 => false
0 => true
3 => false
4 => true
25 => true
26 => false
My solution:
var isSquare = function(n){
return false
return true
return false
Refactored solution:
var isSquare = n => Math.sqrt(n) % 1 === 0;
3.Implement a function that adds two numbers together and returns their sum in binary. The conversion can be done before, or after the addition.
The binary number returned should be a string.
Examples:(Input1, Input2 --> Output (explanation)))
1, 1 --> "10" (1 + 1 = 2 in decimal or 10 in binary)
5, 9 --> "1110" (5 + 9 = 14 in decimal or 1110 in binary)
My solution:
function addBinary(a,b){
return (a+b).toString(2)
4.Given an array of integers, find the one that appears an odd number of times.
There will always be only one integer that appears an odd number of times.
[7] should return 7, because it occurs 1 time (which is odd).
[0] should return 0, because it occurs 1 time (which is odd).
[1,1,2] should return 2, because it occurs 1 time (which is odd).
[0,1,0,1,0] should return 0, because it occurs 3 times (which is odd).
[1,2,2,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,2,2,1] should return 4, because it appears 1 time (which is odd).
My solution:
function findOdd(A) {
const count = {};
for (const element of A) {
if (count[element]) {
count[element] += 1;
} else {
count[element] = 1;
for (const property in count) {
if(count[property] % 2 !== 0){
return parseInt(property)
5.Make a program that filters a list of strings and returns a list with only your friends name in it.
If a name has exactly 4 letters in it, you can be sure that it has to be a friend of yours! Otherwise, you can be sure he's not...
Ex: Input = ["Ryan", "Kieran", "Jason", "Yous"], Output = ["Ryan", "Yous"]
friend ["Ryan", "Kieran", "Mark"] shouldBe
["Ryan", "Mark"]
Note: keep the original order of the names in the output.
My solution:
const friend = friends => friends.filter(friend => friend.length === 4)
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