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Kouki Badr
Kouki Badr

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Flutter Elegant Notification

Level Up Your App's Notifications:
A Guide (from the owner himself 🤯) to elegant_notification

In today's competitive mobile landscape, every detail matters, and that includes how you communicate with your users. Enter elegant_notification, a powerful Flutter package that injects a touch of class into your app's notification system.

This article dives deep into elegant_notification, exploring its core features, exciting new additions, and how to seamlessly integrate it into your Flutter project.

Core Features that Make Your Notifications Shine

  • Built-in Themes: Out of the box, elegant_notification provides pre-designed themes for success, error, and info messages.

  • Customization: Don't like the pre-built themes? elegant_notification empowers you to fully customize the look and feel of your notifications. From background colors and animation styles to notification position and even adding a progress bar, the possibilities are endless.

  • Animations: Make your notifications stand out with a variety of animation options.

  • Action Stations! Engage your users by adding clickable buttons or widgets to your notifications.

  • Stacked notifications The package offer the possiblity to display notifications in stacked way.

Latest version updates

What elegant notification brings to you with the latest 2.1.1 version:

Customizable borders style (color, radius, stroke...)
Customizable notification shadow

Step-by-Step Guide

Here's a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Add the package to your pubspec.yaml:
  elegant_notification: ^latest_version  # Replace with the latest version number
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  1. Import the package in your Dart file:
import 'package:elegant_notification/elegant_notification.dart';
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Display a notification with ease:

  title: Text('Success!'),
  description: Text('Your data has been updated'),
  animation: AnimationType.fromTop,
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  1. Custom notification with stacked options:
  title: Text('Success!'),
  description: Text('Your data has been updated'),
  animation: AnimationType.fromTop,
  stackedOptions: StackedOptions(
    key: 'top',
    type: StackedType.same,
    itemOffset: Offset(-5, -5),
  border: Border(
    bottom: BorderSide(
    width: 2,
 icon: Icon(
 background: Colors.white,
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You can imagine what you can do with all this customizations and other attributes (I'll let you unleash your creativity with it)

Head to for more in-depth documentation about this package and let me know if you have any questions, issues or suggestions

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