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Here is the trending repos written in CSS on this platform.
1. bradtraversy/50projects50days
50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS
2. spicetify/spicetify-themes
A community-driven collection of themes for customizing Spotify through Spicetify -
3. primefaces/primeng
The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library
4. cloudflare/cloudflare-docs
5. primefaces/primevue
Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
6. microsoft/vscode-docs
Public documentation for Visual Studio Code
7. kmaasrud/awesome-obsidian
8. sharu725/online-cv
A minimal Jekyll Theme to host your resume (CV)
9. arcticicestudio/nord
An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
10. rime/home
Rime::Home is home to Rime users and developers
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