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LaTeX Errors: List Environment

Hello, do you remember the list environments? You can check them here. I am going to talk about the possible errors that you could have while creating a list :)

There are 3 types of list, these are enumerate, itemize and description. I use the word list to refer to any of these options

Errors in Lists

I am going to write the error in this format, the description of the error in this format and the possible solution in normal format

  • LaTeX Error: Lonely item perhaps a missing list environment The \item command was inserted outside a listing environment Change the location of that command
  • LaTeX Error: Something's wrong perhaps a missing item: You forget to put the \item command Put that command and then the text that you want to show
  • LaTeX Error: Too deeply nested You have exceeded the nested environments Remember that you can nest at most 4 environments, check your environments

List environments are compatible with almost all LaTeX environments, but sometimes you can not put certain environments inside the list environment. If you have troubles with that, I would suggest you read the documentation of the environment you are trying to use

That is all for today, thanks :)

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