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LaTeX Errors: Tables and Figures

Hello :) this is going to be the last post about errors.

Talking about errors is essential because sometimes we have mistakes while writing, or we nest some forbidden inside other things, and if we do not know how to solve that error, we can not go further in our document.

I need to tell you that these errors are the most common ones, but there are many more, so if you are expanding your knowledge in the LaTeX world you will have other kinds of errors, and you can learn from them :)

Erros in the table environment

I am going to write the error in this format, the description of the error in this format and the possible solution in normal format

  • Extra alignment You have put an extra &, you forget the \\ at the end of the row, you put a non-existing column number in \cline{}

    • Delete the extra & or add another column
    • Put the \\ at the end of the row
    • Check the number of columns that you have in your table and change the \cline{} command
  • Misplaced alignment tab character& You put the & symbol in a wrong place while aligning, Change the position of & in your table environment

Errors in the figure environment

I am going to write the error in this format, the description of the error in this format and the possible solution in normal format

  • LaTeX Error: File myFigure not found The figure myFigure is either not available or not in a proper format

    • Check if the figure has the same name, remember that LaTeX is case-sensitive
    • Check if the figure is in the same folder where your .tex file is
    • Check if the extension of the figure that you want to put is compatible with the instruction that you are using
    • Check if the extension is the same as your figure
  • Illegal unit of measure You misspelled the unit measure in the includegraphics command or you use an unrecognized unit of measure

    • Check your spelling of the unit of measure
    • Check if the unit of measure that you are trying to use is allowed

Both environments

I am going to write the error in this format, the description of the error in this format and the possible solution in normal format

  • LaTeX Error: caption outside float You put the caption command outside table or figure environment Move the caption command inside the environments

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