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LaTeX & Maths: Tags

Hello how are you? :)

In this post I tell you the differences of the displayed formulas and how to label equations.

In today's post I tell you how to tag an equation, this is like giving a name to your equation instead of a number.

We know that the equation environment enumerates our equations, but what if we want to give a name to our equation instead of a number

Tags in Equations

We can use the \tag{} command to put a name to our equation. We must put this command inside the equation environment

    \tag{The Name}
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Screenshot from 2021-07-06 10-20-37

Labeling and calling elements

To label we need to put \label{} after the \tag{} command

    \tag{my Tag}
    \label{my Label}
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To call an element, we do it as usual, with \eqref{}



Screenshot from 2021-07-06 10-35-14

Thanks, this is all for today.

The next week I start with operations and commands to create formulas

Do not forget to follow me on Twitter @latexteada Greetings

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