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Effortless Image Uploads in React Using ImageKit

It's good

Imagekit is an amazing and easy-to-use tool that streamlines the process of:

  1. Managing both videos and images
  2. Work with various storage locations
  3. Manipulate digital assets

In React project

Integrating ImageKit into a react project is quite straightforward. The project required storing the images uploaded by users in a media gallery.


First, install the SDK:

npm i imagekitio-react

Initialization parameters

Create an account.
You'll find the Default url endpoint, public key and private key on your dashboard.

IKUpload compnent

Authentication function

The authenticator function fetches security parameters from backend, completing the setup process.

Backend setup

The project required uploading files from React.

To handle image uploads, first step is to set up the backend using Express and install the dependency needed.

npm i imagekit express

Configuring ImageKit

Now, the 3 paramters obtained earlier (URL endpoint, public key and private key) are used to get the security params: token, expire, signature.

Backend app setup

Fetching auth params

The route defined above fetches the auth parameters which are used by frontend.

With the backend app running, authenticate and upload images in React app.

The component:

The input file upload component

Notice the 2 functions for handling error and success.
Also, the props id (for identifying the respective label) and multiple (to ensure users can add multiple files) help defining the input wherever the component is used.


Integrating ImageKit in the app simplified image management, providing a seamless experience for both developers and users.
With this setup, handling image uploads, optimizing delivery, and applying real-time transformations got easier.

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