Legacy Code Rocks!
Idea Flow with Arty Starr
Imagine if you could automatically follow, measure, and analyze your workflow, identify the sticking points, and remove them based on the coldblooded data. Imagine if there was such a thing as a Moneyball of coding. Today we talk with Arty Starr about the Idea Flow - a data-driven approach to measuring friction in developer's experience. Arty is the author of the Idea Flow, a panelist on the Greater Than Code podcast and a social entrepreneur. We talk about the eight most common friction points in coding and how the Idea Flow helps identify and eliminate them. When you finish listening to the episode, make sure to subscribe to Arty's newsletter at http://arty.twilightcircuit.io.
Mentioned in this episode:
Arty on Twitter: https://twitter.com/janellekz?lang=en
Janelle Arty Starr, Idea Flow: How to Measure the PAIN in Software Development, at https://leanpub.com/ideaflow
Arty’s newsletter: https://arty.twilightcircuit.io
Greater than Code podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/greater-than-code/id1163023878